ML Toulouse Sausages are from Tesco Finest range, they are herby and made from mostly pork and bacon. Really really tasty. Very low in carbs to, I think it's less than 1g for 3 sossies. 2 for £4 atm.
Susie, I have a feeling ehem, that my loaf will be long and narrow to today... Well at least my bread pan is, suppose I'll have to call them flax fingers instead. I don't know what more I can do to get a rise out of it... :O
I've been reading through Karen Barnaby's Low Carb Gourmet. There are some fantastic ideas in there. Highly recommended.
I attach a link (but I am in no way affiliated... For the record)
Dex is worrying me a little. He keeps bringing little field mice home. Mostly live ones that he's been toying with but last night a dead one... And this morning a small little bird, looked like a finch. Pretty little thing

I have no idea what's gotten in to him. I'm putting it down to teenage hormones... He is almost 3 years old. He's had no changes in environment or food etc...
Planned Menu for today:
Cucumber sticks
Cherry tomatoes
3 x Cajun spiced chicken drumsticks
Small salad
1/2 avocado
2 x pork chops
Roasted med veg (courgette, aubergine, tomatoes, onions, garlic)
I had a WI this morning but the scales aren't moving. I had ALOT of macadamias this week. I think I'll stay away from them for a while. I had around 250g in 3 days. Oink oink.. Deadly those.
I'm going to work on my vegetating today.
Have a fab Sunday all.