One day at a time
He's not coming for Christmas dinner. If he was it would make sense.
Sure he knows that?
He's not coming for Christmas dinner. If he was it would make sense.
It's you lot who are the nutters
As long as he turns up with the cooked turkey on Christmas day all will be fine.
My dads really anti social so I know he's not coming for dinner. Bringing peas has absolutely no relevance to anything what so ever
When I see all the other teams having their buffets and all trimmed up I feel a bit left out. My lot have decided to have theirs on Monday. I finish tomorrow. I told you they did't like me :cry:
Actually it's been a lot better this week. I wonder if that's cos I'm finishing tomorrow
When I got uo this morning it was snowing. It looked all pretty and I got excited for Christmas.
I didn't have any problems getting to work but some of them took over 4 hours
Some schools closed
All the snow was gone by 10am
Now if that's what it's like for us up here in the north, I don't know how all you soft southern pansies are gonna cope when it hits you lot tonight![]()
love it
Us soft Southern Pansies
will go into total chaos mode
Heathrow and every other airport will close
because obviously it'll be the wrong type of snow
for the snow plough to deal with then all other types
of transport ie tube etc will go into meltdown
et viola US BUS DRIVERS will bear the brunt
I'm not bitter though haha!!
Northern buses don't run in the snow. One snowflake and they're confined to the depot. Perhaps you're not as soft as I thought![]()
I obviously have to move North
Last year When it was really bad
I was stuck on a ramp up to T5
for 4 hours until they finally rescued me
and revived me with a cuppa
we only have to have one snowflake and the world comes to a halt :giggle: :giggle: its because we are never prepared because it normally misses us
I am usually the only Mummy out with the kids in the park playing snowballs early when it snows :giggle:
One more day Tilly let them have their sillyness on Monday and we will have our own. Bacon butties all roundxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
no snow days off school for us we had to go in even if the snow was a foot high