Tillymax is trying again

Feel free to waffle here whenever you like. It keeps me surfing :D

Could you heb the chicken and have it with pasta and go green.

What day are you doing?
Todays food has been

Br porridge (B) milk (A) yogurt and raspberries

Din cheese n onion fryits (4 + A)

Tea potato curry and rice

velvet crunch (4)
2 ginger biscuits (either 4 or 5 so I'd better go for 5)

I've not eaten fruit today so if I want anything later I'd better go for that. Normally I grab fruit first but just didn't feel like it today.

Does anyone know how to do a good CV cos I haven't done one for so long?
There are some pretty good templates you can find online these days that you just fill in your details, just google CV templates. Don't be afraid to boast about what you're good at :) x
I've done alot of CV work recently, helping my team move into new roles, so feel free to ask if you think I can help - or I can message you my email address if you want a fresh pair of eyes on it xx

My immediate tips would be:
- keep it simple - emphasis on key words / impact words
- if you have lots of relevant skills put these towards the beginning
- with regards to previous employement don't just describe the role, say what you got from it or what skills you learnt e.g. ' during my time as a call centre assistant I was able to demonstrate exceptional levels of customer service and developed an in depth knowledge of....'

I have an interview guide thingy that I use in work that might help you - if you give me your email address I'd happily send you a copy. Good luck xxx
don't worry about the ironing fairies just shove it all in the suitcase :8855: will be scrunched up when you get there anyway, the ironing fairies can meet you there :8855: hmmmm thats a thought :8855: :8855: thats why I bought that thingamyjig in theory I can still communicate with the outside world :8855: xxxxx