Well, as you may have guessed from my ''quietness'' lol, the rest of the week didn't go too well!
Nor did weigh in!
Didn't get up to weigh in at SW

, but weighed in on my Aria which showed a 2 lbs gain and my body fat % up again!

Here is a snippet from my Aria weigh ins for the past week or 2? (ignore the 132 lbs one as that is Hubby -git! he needs to gain weight!


Just been in a bit of a ''funk'' since Wednesday!
Didn't help that I hadn't prepared food for Wednesday onwards, and that my work load at work went up and back to normal again along with later ''finish'' times!

So, I just binged and ate my sulkiness!
Just finding it hard right now how to plan and fit in all I need to do/accomplish when I never know exactly what time I finish work of an evening during the week!
Weekends are not usually an issue...
So, while I have been sitting here sulking all morning and feeling sorry for myself, I have decided on a plan of action

I have all weekend to get it sorted too!
Firstly, I am going to bin all the crap - to hand- food
Then I am going to go through the freezers and cupboards and list what I have got to use.
And get in any ''fresh'' produce I need.
Then I will try and use my meal planner I bought.
Also will plan in my big day to day diary I have , exercise, studying etcetera that I need to do, and work on that and adjust as necessary!
Hopefully if I have a plan of action it will help

One other thing I MUST do is make sure I have food prepped for the next day at work, and also NOT take my purse , just a minimal amount of money and essentials like driving licence & DQC card . Because I have found if I have money on me at work I am tempted to park up by shops and go in and buy lots of rubbish food to eat!

I think I need some sort of ''discipline'' !
I know I can do it, it is just a case taking away the initial temptations as such, because once I have got back on track for a few weeks I am usually fine , it is just those initial first weeks!
Oh, and if you are wondering what I am studying I shall say , it is a long story ...
when my first husband left me back in 2007 my dad - bless him- paid for a Personal Trainer course for me from Future Fit - it cost him over £3000 !

Now I did ''start'' it back then , but with issues with my ex and relationships over the years I didn't carry it on..
now last year , I contacted them and it is all still running , I just needed to pay a small fee to re-start my training.
now my plan was back then (in 2007) if I passed it was to work in a leisure centre and in other times take exercise classes for the older person.
I am now 49 - 50 this year , and am beginning to doubt weather it is still worth it.
although people I have spoken to think it is a good idea.
the only initial bit I am worried about is the studying side, as I haven't studied since I left school over 30 odd years ago!
And the first part of the course is studying A&P (Anatomy & physiology ) before I do any practical stuff !
It is also my last chance to do get out of truck driving and do something different in my life that has always interested me, even though I am now much older!
So, the first part is learning A&P (which in some parts is hard trying to get the information to sink in!), then go to do a 3 day workshop where I will also take an exam on A&P, and if I pass all that I would be initially qualified as a Gym instructor and also licenced to teach exercise classes

All the other courses I have after that are 'extra' and would if I continued qualify me to be a Personal trainer and also teach nutrition & weight management (seems cynical at the moment LOL)
but here is a snippet of my student zone page and courses I have paid for ....

So, you can see my dilemma!
But, I really need to sort everything out if I am going to get anywhere!
I will try to keep my diary updated daily , but forgive me if I cannot reply to everyone elses regularly

Off to make a start , will be back later to update how my ''plan'' of action has gone