Full Member
Currently 5.8 kilos down. It's been pretty minimal effort to be honest, so I'm really happy with that. Still eating out often and pretty much eating what I want 5 days per week. Long may it continue! The 24 hour bp monitor experience was horrid. I was so uncomfortable and had a load of broken veins and blood blisters after the cuff finally came off! The healthy heart session was a bit of a waste of time - 'You're too fat and you need to move more.' Well ... It was nice, however, to be able to get on their scales and them see that I'd lost weight since I was last weighed there, so I was grateful for that. All my blood tests came back okay - I think they were surprised I'm not diabetic
Cholesterol was slightly up at 5.5. I've been to the doctor's this morning and the 24 hour monitor showed I do have hypertension - not that I think it was ever in doubt really - and has doubled my dose of Losartan to 100mg as the 50mg doesn't seem to have made much impact. I've got to go back in 2 weeks for another blood test to check my kidneys are tolerating it.
800 calorie day today. Salmon salad for lunch and some roast pork with cauliflower and gravy for dinner.
800 calorie day today. Salmon salad for lunch and some roast pork with cauliflower and gravy for dinner.