Time to be rid of the MASS!

hello :) just had a read of your diary - you are doing great :) i loved your reasons for wanting to loose weight and i liked you mini list about the reasons to be positive !! Its hard when you lose less than you thought you would - but chin up its def going in the right direction, and 2-3 pounds a week is really good :) keep it up lovely !! xx
Great stuff keep being positive and nothing will stand in your way :)
Thanks all!

Well, what a rollercoaster (but exciting) week I've had!

Have been manic at work (didn't work less hours than 9:30-9:30 with a 50 minute commute each way), hence not being able to get on here much. I didn't come off the rails because of the stress though. I have so many reasons to be positive this week:

1) another 100% week (HONK!)

2) I met a guy and we had a really lovely date on Friday night. I felt something, not sure if what I felt was enough but will go on a second date (I need to be less fussy/have lower expectations about this initial spark)

3) I've got a date planned on valentines with one of my bessie girl mates (something a group of us do pretty much every year to stick two fingers up to the commercialisation/Americanisation of valentines day)

4) I lost SIX pounds this week :D

5) I get to see my beautiful nephew tonight/tomorrow

6) I've treated myself after my weigh in this morning to my first chocolate malt toffee bar with a cup of black tea - yummy!
Ooooh and a number 7:

7) my BMI is now under 30. I am no longer "class 1 - obese"!!!
So, I have been useless at updating this diary....!

My last weigh in (Sat 18th) was positive - I was happy with a 3.5lbs loss, not least because I started TOTM on WI day.

Since then, things haven't been so good....

On Monday I fainted on the train on the way to work. Now, it could be exhaustion. You know that first date I mentioned at point 2 of my "reasons to be positive" list after my last WI? Well, we're still seeing each other and have long chats regularly, often not getting off the phone until 1 or sometimes 2am. Alternatively, I'm thinking it could be the diet (and he's definitely thinking that). So, having been on SS for exactly 40 days, last night I had pancakes. 1 with lemon and sugar and 1 with raspberries, blackberries and maple syrup. They were yum. I know they've screwed me over but I'm back on it today (although I have a client lunch tomorrow that I can't get out of but will be sensible with). My tastebuds have really come back to life!!!

Also, what with the new man, there are a lot more social occasions that I can't get out of. Such as meeting some of his friends in pubs/bars and going for dinner. He's totally understanding and supportive (even with the fainting he is supportive, just a little concerned). But I don't want what I feel could be such a positive relationship to not work out because of this diet. How bad is it to have fairly regular (maybe once a week/fortnight) days (or even meals) off?

The bridesmaid dress ALMOST fits me - I have about an inch to lose around the bust. Wedding is 19 April but, before then I have 2 hen parties and 9 days of all inclusive (will be taking shakes for lunch). SO need to fit into that dress....
it depends on how you want to handle your time off.

if you're talking a no carb meal, coke zero and no alcohol, you will probably stay in ketosis and not interrupt the diet. always best option if you can.

if you're talking completely coming off the diet, be aware to not go mad (i have had bad indigestion going straight from SS to a heavy meal), no alcohol without carbs first, and you will almost certainly gain or STS.

when i first started i had some planned breaks because of pre-booked stuff and it was ok. you can find you'll gain in a week when you break but have a better than average loss the week after. so i would say coming off the diet every week is probably not wise, but less often can be do-able. maybe try and do two carb-free occasions to every one with carbs?

the key thing really is that are you going to find the diet harder to stick to if you have time off? more likely to cheat? tastebuds reawakened and all that. if you think you will, you're better off doing the diet 100% for a shorter time imo. BUT, if taking a break helps you stick to the diet overall and you get straight back on it, that's better than not doing the diet at all.

some people takes loads of breaks and some would never dream of it, so it's totally up to you!
also, with the fainting, as long as you're been having your products and enough water, you'll be fine. just be conscious that you're a teeny bit more fragile then usual and don't get up really quick!

the diet makes a 'head-rush' from standing up too fast a bit more potent, but it's really unlikely to be a sign that you're ill or need to eat.