So, I have been useless at updating this diary....!
My last weigh in (Sat 18th) was positive - I was happy with a 3.5lbs loss, not least because I started TOTM on WI day.
Since then, things haven't been so good....
On Monday I fainted on the train on the way to work. Now, it could be exhaustion. You know that first date I mentioned at point 2 of my "reasons to be positive" list after my last WI? Well, we're still seeing each other and have long chats regularly, often not getting off the phone until 1 or sometimes 2am. Alternatively, I'm thinking it could be the diet (and he's definitely thinking that). So, having been on SS for exactly 40 days, last night I had pancakes. 1 with lemon and sugar and 1 with raspberries, blackberries and maple syrup. They were yum. I know they've screwed me over but I'm back on it today (although I have a client lunch tomorrow that I can't get out of but will be sensible with). My tastebuds have really come back to life!!!
Also, what with the new man, there are a lot more social occasions that I can't get out of. Such as meeting some of his friends in pubs/bars and going for dinner. He's totally understanding and supportive (even with the fainting he is supportive, just a little concerned). But I don't want what I feel could be such a positive relationship to not work out because of this diet. How bad is it to have fairly regular (maybe once a week/fortnight) days (or even meals) off?
The bridesmaid dress ALMOST fits me - I have about an inch to lose around the bust. Wedding is 19 April but, before then I have 2 hen parties and 9 days of all inclusive (will be taking shakes for lunch). SO need to fit into that dress....