I’m back after a long disappearance.
Sadly things went a bit south over the past few months. Family I’ll, working lates while also running a small business too and a whole load of other stuff.
But it’s not all bad
I decided I needed proper guidance as trying to do SW by yourself is a bit risky, especially when the world is stressing you out at the moment.
so I rejoined a couple of weeks ago and doing quite well.
it’s still early days but despite doing SW in the past, the plan has slightly changed since I was last there and it feels a lot easier.
I still have the main meal followed by a bag or two of crisps and any chocolate he can sniff out Husband which is tricky but I’ve stayed strong for the past 3 weeks while on plan, I just keep telling myself, I would be wasting money if I didn’t follow the plan and at the moment, money is tight so I would prefer it was worth it.
I also have a SW buddy, it’s a strange one but I met her on Instagram - don’t know each other outside the internet but we have both been giving each other support and motivation to keep us on track.
So I’m back and will hopefully update this blog more regularly