Thanks Womble!
I've had a lot of time to think today (Saturdays I always spend home alone because my boyfriend plays cricket in the summer, football the rest of the year) and I was thinking about how much my weight has gone up and down over the years.
In Feb 2012 I had glandular fever and it was bloody horrible. My GP said I had the worst case she'd ever seen. My hair fell out, hands peeled, liver started to fail and I couldn't get out of bed for 4 months. I had to defer my 3rd year of uni, and I went back in September 2012 to re-sit knowing absolutely no-one because all my friends had graduated. I was lonely so comfort ate... and ate... and ate my way up to 15 stone (I don't know how much I weighed before, maybe 12? 13? no idea)
In Feb 2013 I'd had enough and after getting the all clear from my doctor started Cambridge. I loved it and lost 3 stone in 3 months, felt great, wasn't at target but just stopped. Managed somehow to keep the weight off until December 2013 when I met my boyfriend - well, I say "met", I'd actually known him for years but things only got romantical around this time. Since then I've put on 4 stone
and here I am now! I've dabbled over the last 2 1/2 yrs with Cambridge again and SW, but my heart was never in it because I was so happy in my relationship and my life. I have a great job, friends, godson, boyfriend, we've just bought our first home, looking forward to the future. The only "bad" thing in my life is my weight.
Wow it feels good to get that off my (v. large) chest.
Sorry to ramble!
Oh and like the complete psycho I am, I've just found a packet of chocolate fingers in the cupboard... the only things I can't resist are chocolate biscuits and cake. Pizza, crisps, fizzy drinks, chocolate BARS, I couldn't care less about. But I made my bf promise NO cake and NO biscuits, so to make sure I don't eat them I opened the packet, covered them with washing up liquid and threw them in the bin. I'm officially mental.