Time to get serious!

Ria buy the laptop lol

£100 off eh yes!! :D

Glad u didn't come out of ketosis. Why would you think ppl would b annoyed lol we only want good things for you.

I hate ppl like that ranas 'sister' what an arse!

If u have the chance for lunch just go for it and deal with it the rest of the week hun,

Did you sleep well?

Right, got it. Had to read a few pages to see what you were up to. :)

So... Let's see if I've got this right. You should be on 810 cos your BMI is now below 25, yes? And you had a day off plan yesterday - not that you particularly enjoyed it. And today you're SS-ing cos you're planning on doing 5:2 when you're done with Cambridge?

Makes a certain kind of sense. :) But after today, stop mucking about and get back on 810 and get going up those steps. You've reached a stage where you need more food, in particular, more protein. The reason you have to go up to 810 when your BMI drops below 25 is because you no longer have oodles of fat to burn and your body may decide it's easier to burn your muscle mass instead. But the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. So if your muscle mass decreases, your metabolic rate decreases, and it becomes harder and harder to lose weight. That's one of the reasons why the scales aren't moving much.

But you know all this. :) I know you're going to get there. :)

Just noticed you live in the Forest - how did I miss that? I used to live in New Milton, worked in Brockenhurst. Ah, those were the days...
Wow it's been busy in here :p

Omg you must of been mortified! It's so wrong how people are judged on their size but if I'm honest I've done it too.
I've looked at someone and though jeez how do they get that big only to see my reflection and realise in actually the same size if not bigger!
Wait until you see her next, offer her the cambridge products and say if worked for me I'm sure you can do it! Ha ha

Yeh your very motivational as your stats were same as mine (your a few inches taller) so I can actually 'see' what I could look like after getting to the weight you are now which is a massive boost as its always hard to picture it x

Haha, yeah the irony was that she was quite short and tubby herself! But I guess she thought she was covering it well with her saree!

I always look at other people, it' such a bad habit of mine, lately I try to figure out who is the size I was, I know it's naughty, but it's so clear this country is in an obesity epidemic, its so rare to see thin people, and if you do they are usually teenage girls!

Geez Stacey, you say(write) things and as I read them here I'm pure nodding my head in agreement non-stop. I'm the exact same...judge ppl on how they let their size get to that point then catch a glimpse of my reflection in something and be like 'holy ****, that's me, i'm ridiculous'.!!!!! it's ok tho, cos we're doing something about it now.

we are naughty! it's a great reality check though!

Ria, I don't think you've pissed anyone off! In fact I'm really happy to hear that you're still in ketosis! Your week seems pretty jumbled with SS, SS+, step 2 and coming off twice. (even tho I dont feel like i'm in a position to give you CWP advice I will go ahead anyway (i'm a doctor so i think actually i would be justified in giving *some* advice here....) I don't think it's good for you metabolism to keep on changing it around so much. I think you really need to choose whether you're staying on SS or bumping it up to either SS+ or step 2. I think since you've lost so much weight but are still not quite at target, maybe doing SS+ for a few weeks might get you there and then once you're at target move it up to step 2. but this is such a personal decision!! speak to your CWC and decide! xxx

Didn't come off today after all, he had a lunch shift so had to go at 11.30, but yeah I totally see your point. It's just a shame I didn't have the opportunity to speak to my CWPC last week, I will do on Wednesday.

Ria buy the laptop lol

£100 off eh yes!! :D

Glad u didn't come out of ketosis. Why would you think ppl would b annoyed lol we only want good things for you.

I hate ppl like that ranas 'sister' what an arse!

If u have the chance for lunch just go for it and deal with it the rest of the week hun,

Did you sleep well?


You're a bad influence Martha!! Rana got his and I dropped him back (he had a lunch shift) then I went back. I found a different one I want, then hung around ages deciding if i should or not! didn't, told myself to go home, check last months spending, list some stuff on ebay then decide - I'm currently at the ebay bit!

Right, got it. Had to read a few pages to see what you were up to. :)

So... Let's see if I've got this right. You should be on 810 cos your BMI is now below 25, yes? And you had a day off plan yesterday - not that you particularly enjoyed it. And today you're SS-ing cos you're planning on doing 5:2 when you're done with Cambridge?

Makes a certain kind of sense. :) But after today, stop mucking about and get back on 810 and get going up those steps. You've reached a stage where you need more food, in particular, more protein. The reason you have to go up to 810 when your BMI drops below 25 is because you no longer have oodles of fat to burn and your body may decide it's easier to burn your muscle mass instead. But the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. So if your muscle mass decreases, your metabolic rate decreases, and it becomes harder and harder to lose weight. That's one of the reasons why the scales aren't moving much.

But you know all this. :) I know you're going to get there. :)

Just noticed you live in the Forest - how did I miss that? I used to live in New Milton, worked in Brockenhurst. Ah, those were the days...

Well.... My CWPC has never said that but from what I hear, yes, I should be 810, and did that a few days this week so far. Then sat I had a meal off plan, then kinda SS yesterday, I just felt like it really, and wanted to prove to myself I am still capable (as in for when i do try and do 5:2)

This morning I had a shake, got home early afternoon and had another, then read your post and felt a bit like I'm being bad, so went and got a portion of 810 recipe dhal soup out and ate that too! still hate the full feeling i got from it though. But will be good and have some yogurt later with my last pack so I get my full 810. It makes sense when you spell it out, but with the scales stalling as they did all week and still seeing quite a hefty layer of fat around my middrift It's really hard to comprehend eating more :-(

I'll give it a try properly now. I suppose I need to give it a chance!

This is a great Y. When your Y is big enough to keeps you motivated pass the feeling. Wishing you well.

Thanks hun
Bad influence how rude :p haha

You simply must have it!! Lol

Glad u had an 810 day hun. I think you just need to dooo it!! Lol

Bad influence how rude :p haha

You simply must have it!! Lol

Glad u had an 810 day hun. I think you just need to dooo it!! Lol


:p I know, I must! Actually it's good I din't get it, since this way I can order online and get virgin air miles as well, then click and collect next day :) just need to ebay like mad to stop the guilt!

Currently tucking into a massive bowl of 0% greek yogurt with choco shake mixed in - I cannot recommend this enough, YUM YUM YUM, you can have it too soon! :)
:p I know, I must! Actually it's good I din't get it, since this way I can order online and get virgin air miles as well, then click and collect next day :) just need to ebay like mad to stop the guilt!

Currently tucking into a massive bowl of 0% greek yogurt with choco shake mixed in - I cannot recommend this enough, YUM YUM YUM, you can have it too soon! :)

When is the next free listing time? I need these clothes gone.

I know what you mean about guilt lol I have now got it in my head I want to redecorate my room and I mean the whole heep lol what u think of this bed and paper and paint? Marty is bored to tears listening to me about decorating lol



I've seen drawers in ikea that I want now too lol but I feel guilty cuz of the holiday! Lol may just do paint and paper before we go lol

Do u think it would work as well with a tetra or defo get the sachets? The Greek yoghurt is a bit of an issue with me. It's got that odd after taste. That however was years ago. How much yoghurt? hmmm Maybe il like it now. Is that yogurt as well as the protein and veg?? Xx
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When is the next free listing time? I need these clothes gone.

I know what you mean about guilt lol I have now got it in my head I want to redecorate my room and I mean the whole heep lol what u think of this bed and paper and paint? Marty is bored to tears listening to me about decorating lol

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I've seen drawers in ikea that I want now too lol but I feel guilty cuz of the holiday! Lol may just do paint and paper before we go lol

Do u think it would work as well with a tetra or defo get the sachets? The Greek yoghurt is a bit of an issue with me. It's got that odd after taste. That however was years ago. How much yoghurt? hmmm Maybe il like it now. Is that yogurt as well as the protein and veg?? Xx

Was all this weekend including today, then it's usually every fortnight so the 8th in theory! The colour and the bed will look lovely together, I really like them!

can't see it working with a tetra, you would loose the texture, deffo get some sachets, I've tried strawberry and chcocolate so far which both taste fab! I can't taste any after taste I think the pack mellows it, its a whopping 250g on step 2 and 5 - that's half of one of the big "total" tubs!
and its technically your milk allowance, so yes you still have the meal as well! of course if you want the milk I'm sure with a bif of maths you could have milk and yogurt!

Was all this weekend including today, then it's usually every fortnight so the 8th in theory! The colour and the bed will look lovely together, I really like them!

can't see it working with a tetra, you would loose the texture, deffo get some sachets, I've tried strawberry and chcocolate so far which both taste fab! I can't taste any after taste I think the pack mellows it, its a whopping 250g on step 2 and 5 - that's half of one of the big "total" tubs!
and its technically your milk allowance, so yes you still have the meal as well! of course if you want the milk I'm sure with a bif of maths you could have milk and yogurt!


Yea il defo get a few sachets then to do me next week. Oh I'm excited lol :) x

0% total ones right? Xx
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Phew, all ebayed out, got a grand total of 91 items listed at the moment! Just need a few to sell and then I'll buy the laptop! already have a dress with bids to £30 so going well so far!

Even started to list the random garage items mum said I could sell if I get rid of them! saying that though there is still boxes of stuff!
Phew, all ebayed out, got a grand total of 91 items listed at the moment! Just need a few to sell and then I'll buy the laptop! already have a dress with bids to £30 so going well so far!

Even started to list the random garage items mum said I could sell if I get rid of them! saying that though there is still boxes of stuff!

That's good! Ur so pro active I just cba most of the time! Should have done all that yesterday lol x
That's good! Ur so pro active I just cba most of the time! Should have done all that yesterday lol x

hmm, well it did take me all weekend! just applied for one more job, half applied for another but a glitch on their website means I can't upload my CV :-( so emailed their support about that! Then also emailed another one about a role I got immediate refusal for even though its basically what i already do (grr) then still have to apply for promotion in my current role and my cwpc form!

I am gonna be one stressed out mofo the next few weeks, so much to do in work and personal life :-(