Time to get serious!

Yeah, they can be heavy with all that bling! i did think you looked way smaller in the maxi as compared to the sari.... You'd look killer in one know!

Last year I went away loads! Like literally 5 times! This year nothing :( but will probably go somewhere in September x

ps. You can hold me to my offer ;)
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Ok, the aquabeat is by speedo. They've now got a version 2.0 out but mine was the old version. Would post a pic but don't know how! Or if I'm allowed... x
I've not had any real problems. The headphones come with a bit that wraps around the ear but once I took that off (so just the little in-ear piece bit is left) they were fine x
Yeah, they can be heavy with all that bling! i did think you looked way smaller in the maxi as compared to the sari.... You'd look killer in one know!

Last year I went away loads! Like literally 5 times! This year nothing :( but will probably go somewhere in September x

ps. You can hold me to my offer ;)

What's really annoying is a have a really nice blouse which I bought off the peg (again in india) it didn't fit but they told me to unstitch one row of stitching so it would. I spent ages unstitching it only to find where it had been stitched the material had gone a bit funny. Now of course it would have fitted in its original state so need to get on a sewing machine (first time since I was 12) and stitch it back up! A sari shop just opened up en route to to my CWPC actually so am thinking of going there before my next trip - maybe impress Rana's parents by looking like a proper good girl :p

Get some holidays booked girl!!

Where abouts are you from?

So, today, ok ish, step 2 ish, yesterday I did SS but 4 packets, felt fine on it, actually didn't need the 4th but was bored so ate my last bar (glad that temptation is now gone!) kinda planned to do the same today but since my lively body decided to go back into ketosis today, well I assume as I haven't actually checked, I had a killer headache all day. It's ok, I could cope, had my shake at 9ish and a coulple of paracetamol. Every Monday at 12 we have a huddle, sharing business news a one end of the office, about 5 mins in I felt dizzy and sick, so ducked out and grabbed some water, ugh, never had that going into ketosis before! Anyway, then it was lunch, Caesar salad was on cook to order again so thought I'd go for an adapted version, but was a bit naughty, no croutons, but I did have a smidgen of Parmesan and a couple of cherry toms with my leaves and cucumber, and there was bacon, the man was cooking the chicken and bacon together so I could hardly ask him to pick it out, so ate some of that (fat removed) but when I told him to put a tiny bit of dressing on the side- oh there he went on top. So it was a bit naughty but I felt much better after. And only slightly off plan. Shake in the afternoon, And yog with choc shake for dinner. Oh and half an Atkins bar my mum bought which she offered me half to try.

made my lunch for tomorrow, again not completely to plan- I cooked up a chicken breast in some mushroom soup with a sliced mushroom, then am gonna have it with broccoli. Obv by the time I eat it I've probably destroyed all the nutrients in the soup, but it's better than cheating right!? Ad my 1 mushroom took me over my 80g veg allowance!

i am a complete nightmare at the moment, I don't know if its cos I'm already in holiday mode, or stressed, or the antibiotics I'm on, or cos im close to target, who knows but it's all so out of character!! Can't keep to one thing, or to the straight and narrow! Grrr!

maybe tomorrow will be a good day (apart from the soup and the extra mushroom that is)
The extra mushroom won't make the slightest difference! Probably only 7 cals of so, no don't sweat that! And the soup sounds healthy, and yummy! Sometimes you need to feed your body, otherwise it'll constantly crave more and it'll be worse in the long term. When is your holiday again?

i was born in Bombay/Mumbai, then we moved over here when I was little. My family mostly live in Mumbai and Pune x
The extra mushroom won't make the slightest difference! Probably only 7 cals of so, no don't sweat that! And the soup sounds healthy, and yummy! Sometimes you need to feed your body, otherwise it'll constantly crave more and it'll be worse in the long term. When is your holiday again?

i was born in Bombay/Mumbai, then we moved over here when I was little. My family mostly live in Mumbai and Pune x

I know but I guess my point is that I can't stop tweaking :-( I'm gonna blame the holiday I think, it's 11days..... Sat 15th :) :) in my mind I know I'll be eating and that I'm gonna be on a mission to finish things off and get to target after i get back, with things hardly moving at the moment I think I've resigned myself that getting there is something ill do after holiday, not that I'm off plan or anything, just not being strict enough, I've always been mega strict with myself on this!

Sorry, I mean where do you live now? Need to plan my trip to your future wedding lol :p

Rana has family in Pune, but he is from Orissa, he's about 45mins from Bhubaneswar.

You will finish when you are bk ria don't worry. You are in holiday mode and its exciting. You know you will be bk on plan when ur back and I have every confidence you will reach your goal when you get bk :) xxxx
Less than 2 weeks! Holiday countdown!

haha, I reckon you'll be sari-ing it up at your own wedding before I get the chance to invite you to mine! :p

Maybe we should just head to Birmingham or Leicester, find a celebrate India occasion and wear one then :p I live in the east of England, what about you hon? When I can private message I'll message you the city :) x
You will finish when you are bk ria don't worry. You are in holiday mode and its exciting. You know you will be bk on plan when ur back and I have every confidence you will reach your goal when you get bk :) xxxx

And.... drum roll please.... I still lost weight this week! depends if we are rounding up or down but its 1/2-1lb - I was 10st3.6 last week, I'm 10st2.8 today lol, so do i round up or down on my sig below! maybe up - makes i better for next week!

Oh yes... when I get back...I am going at it hard core!!1
Less than 2 weeks! Holiday countdown!

haha, I reckon you'll be sari-ing it up at your own wedding before I get the chance to invite you to mine! :p

Maybe we should just head to Birmingham or Leicester, find a celebrate India occasion and wear one then :p I live in the east of England, what about you hon? When I can private message I'll message you the city :) x

Haha, I'm totally up for crashing an indian wedding, or theres that temple in watford that is always a good bet for something to be going on lol, only prob is I might stand out a little - maybe i could get the fake bake out lol ;-p

Im in the new forest, kind of southampton ish
And.... drum roll please.... I still lost weight this week! depends if we are rounding up or down but its 1/2-1lb - I was 10st3.6 last week, I'm 10st2.8 today lol, so do i round up or down on my sig below! maybe up - makes i better for next week!

Oh yes... when I get back...I am going at it hard core!!1

That's really good news :)

Yay for next week


The yoghurt with mango was alright for the 1st half.Consistency of cake batter lol which may be appealing for actual cake batter but yoghurt and powder doesn't have the same effect lol

I think I'd probably like it if it weren't so thick. Il try forest fruits tomz and see how that goes and keep you posted lol

Hope your having a lovely day :)

Off to pick emily up from nursery and meet her new primary school teacher. Exciting stuff.

Chat to you later! Mwah!!

The yoghurt with mango was alright for the 1st half.Consistency of cake batter lol which may be appealing for actual cake batter but yoghurt and powder doesn't have the same effect lol

I think I'd probably like it if it weren't so thick. Il try forest fruits tomz and see how that goes and keep you posted lol

Hope your having a lovely day :)

Off to pick emily up from nursery and meet her new primary school teacher. Exciting stuff.

Chat to you later! Mwah!!


After you mentioned it i considered it last night, but can't bring myself to have anything other than chocolate - I think I actually have an addiction to it!

Thanks hun, are you taking advantage of the nice weather? aww, she's getting all grown up!

Just had my chicken in mush soup lunch, it was quite nice actually! though prob won't do it again since having a pack as part of my meal means i cant have my afternoon snack pack, and im kinda used to that!

got my cwpc appointment tonight then gonna try and make myself go swimming after!
After you mentioned it i considered it last night, but can't bring myself to have anything other than chocolate - I think I actually have an addiction to it!

Thanks hun, are you taking advantage of the nice weather? aww, she's getting all grown up!

Just had my chicken in mush soup lunch, it was quite nice actually! though prob won't do it again since having a pack as part of my meal means i cant have my afternoon snack pack, and im kinda used to that!

got my cwpc appointment tonight then gonna try and make myself go swimming after!

Lol you are addicted!!! And yes a loss is a loss ur doing fab!!

Was cleaning my kitchen cupboards and oven and fridge this morning so not been out in the sun lol I'm a hermit when the suns out usually from fear of burning haha

Yes keep ur product for a snack lol snacks are good :)

Let me know how ur meeting goes and yes!! Go swimming lol ul feel amazing after

The smaller you get the harder it becomes... Its really tough :sigh: You're so close to being in the 9stones though, I mean that's AWESOME! :clap: x