tinkerbellsmum becks diary

well i didn't manage today because i slipped up big time i intended to be good but someone brought cakes in and i had one then that was it i had loads more than i can count.
oh well aleast i cando hungry thing tommorrow cause i won't be in ketosis. so try again tommorrow with day 11
thanks hun trying to do day 11 again but it was hard at breakfast cause i felt sick think this maybe one i need to a couple of times cause even now i'm not in ketosis i still am not sure of difference of each.
think i'm gonna do some more research.
i read on in the book and i think day 12 will help me do day 11 esp cause i'm not in ketosis so arrrrrr i'm doing day 12 for those that don't know its practice hunger tolerance. so i have to skip lunch arrrrr scarey so looks like i'm having a pack at tea and a pack at supper i'm doing ss day today cause of yesterday.
will report back how i get on.
this one has been the most helpful to me, know that hunger is not an emergency, it's not a matter of life and death, I don't have to get all stressed out because I'm hungry...it's the FIRST book that points out this to me, before I always read stuff about how you need to listen to your body, eat when you hungry etc...etc...I think for people like me it would just make the level of stress unbearable, it's like a phobia, phobia of hunger and everyone knows now that to deal with phobia you have to confront it.
ok i'm still alive i skipped lunch had tea around 5,30 so went from 7.30 till 6.30 and i survired. i even told my daugther when she was moaning she was soooo hungry waiting for dinner hunger isn't a emergancy and do you know what i wasn't really hungry. once i nearly gave in but glad i didn't so well done me. i am in control.

will do day 13 tommorrow.
btw my tummy talking to me and i know i'm not hungry
didn't do a day today just been so busy. but i read my card and sat down for all my meal, i slowed down and i deserve credit for not buying chips when brought them for a work friend, not eating the biscuit or crisps that have been calling me.
will do day in morning
day 13-cravings
this one might take alittle longer than a day but i think its really gonna help. gonna write the distraction list on my desktop and how it feels when you give in.
i'm gonna have a day of just going over and practicing what i have learnt because i think i have rushed it to much.
so i will be making sure i read my cards 3 times a day, sit down and slow down and use distractions for cravings also i'm gonna give myself credit. starting now for getting back to it after yesterdays binge.
gonna start 30 day shred again today.
day 14 plan for tommorrow

this won't take long lol any changes will be in red

breakfast: [STRIKE]depending on what time my cd comes it will be a bar[/STRIKE] porriage

lunch: [STRIKE]i'll probably be in a hurry cause i'm going to cdc house to see her office in prep for me becoming a cdc. so i will cook some chicken tonight ready and take that with me to eat as soon as i get home. (not on bus cause that relates to my binge habits)[/STRIKE]bar, half packet crisps

tea: [STRIKE]porriage (yum)[/STRIKE] chicken,cake,2 small kit kats

supper: hot shake:) snickers

todays to do list
read my card at least twice
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]read my other cards aleast once[/STRIKE][STRIKE]eat slowly, sitting down[/STRIKE][STRIKE]give my self credit (well done me for exercise before breakfast)[/STRIKE][STRIKE]do spontaus exercise[/STRIKE][STRIKE]
do planned exercise
tolerate hunger and cravings rather than giving in.
write out a food plan for tommorrow
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day 15 monitor your eating
i love this women shes telling me to weigh daily yay. today and from now on i just have to tick off what i ate on my plan and add to it when i eat something else.

todays to-do list.

read my cards aleast twice a day
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]read my other cards aleast once[/STRIKE][STRIKE]eat slowly[/STRIKE] sitting down not always
credit even though i did slip i didn't binge and i stopped
spontaus exercise
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]planned exercise[/STRIKE][STRIKE]montitor everything i eat[/STRIKE][STRIKE]write out food plan for tommorrow[/STRIKE][STRIKE]weigh and record weight[/STRIKE]
tommorrows food plan.

breakfast: porriage:)
lunch:mousse:) chicken
tea: chicken kebab:)
supper: hot shake:)
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day 16 prevent unplanned eating
i needed this yesterday.
new response card saying no choice is going on my desk top.

to do list
read my cards at least twice
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]read my other cards aleast once[/STRIKE][STRIKE]slow down and sit down[/STRIKE][STRIKE]credit[/STRIKE][STRIKE]spontaus exercise[/STRIKE]planned exercise
tommorrows food plan
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]monitor food[/STRIKE][STRIKE]new card no choice[/STRIKE]
tommorrows plan.

breakfast: porriage:)
lunch: mousse:) chicken
tea: [STRIKE]chicken egg and mushrooms[/STRIKE] mousse supper: [STRIKE]hot shake[/STRIKE]
shouldn't have hads: yogurt, 1/4 chocobar and taste of a few things.
not a good day but i didn't binge so i did well.
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day 17 end over eating.
oh my today is gonna be a tough one i've got to put extra food on my plate and not eat it and also put food on my plate i can't eat and leave it.
one thing that really rings true is imagine how good you will look if you don't eat it all.
when i have a binge and i'm around people afterwards my thoughts are how bad must i look.

i had ago and i did it actually left more than i needed to.

my to do list
read all my cards aleast twice today
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]slow down and sit down[/STRIKE][STRIKE]credit[/STRIKE][STRIKE]spontaneous exercise[/STRIKE][STRIKE]planned exercise[/STRIKE][STRIKE]food plan[/STRIKE][STRIKE]monitor what i ate[/STRIKE][STRIKE]practice not overeating.[/STRIKE]
tommorrows food plan 810

breakfast: porriage:)
lunch omlette
[/STRIKE]tea: chicken:) and mousse:) yogurt
supper: hot shake:) chocolate
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day 18 change your definition of full

another thing to add to my to do list

to do list
[STRIKE]read all my cards (think i'm gonna put some of these on fridge to[/STRIKE])
[STRIKE]slow down and sit down[/STRIKE]
spontaneous exercise
[/STRIKE]planned exercise
[STRIKE]food plan[/STRIKE]
monitor food
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]eat till normal fullness[/STRIKE]
tommorrows plan

breakfast: porriage
tea: mousse
changed to a ss day
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day 19-stop fooling yourself.
excuses i have used in the past to eat
  • its not a whole piece
  • i'll only eat this one time
  • its not that fattening
  • it won't matter
  • it'll go to waste
  • i'll disapoint someone if i don't
  • everyone else is eating
  • i'm celebrating
  • no one will see me eat it
  • i really want it
  • i'm upset and don't care
  • i'm craving it
new card

todays to do list
read cards aleast twice
slow dow and sit down
spontaneous exercise
planned exercise
food plan
monitor food
eat only to normal fullness
create not ok card

tommorrows plan
breakfast: porriage

moved back to ss till wed cause i come off on wed for a week.
day 20 get back on track

i have a new card to add to my desktop my desktop is now full so i think i need to find a new home for them cause i'm noticing i'm not looking at them. i might transfer them to the fridge give everyone else something to read lol.
my list isn't getting done on here either so think thats gonna have to move to and my eating plan so not gonna add that here today i'm gonna put it on fridge i think or on notice board.
did a ss + day but only with milk no food and i lost 2 plus i sneaked a biscuit in which wasn't that nice yet they r still calling me today so gonna go make these cards see if that helps.
today i've go to make a graph of my weightloss her only shows 5lb at a time cause thats what she wants you to concentrate on so i'm gonna make that one and a overall one so i can see it.
had a bad day yesterday ate some rubbish i gained a pound but its ok back to it today and i'm hoping i can shift the pound for tommorrow.
then i'm going on atkins for a week and i will have to watch my weight then. i'm hoping it will give my weight a boost.