Tinks diary

Doing well thanks.

Had a better day at work , finally on a bit lighter duties, feel bad but cant keep up on a 12 shift on a busy ward!
Dont think i have done to bad getting to 25 weeks and doing full work . Still busy but i am sat down after 4 so should manage! X
Doing well thanks.

Had a better day at work , finally on a bit lighter duties, feel bad but cant keep up on a 12 shift on a busy ward!
Dont think i have done to bad getting to 25 weeks and doing full work . Still busy but i am sat down after 4 so should manage! X

Gosh, 12 hours :( That's such a long time! I think you've done very well!! What is it that you do? :) xx
A support worker on mental health ward. I am kept safe but you never get a minute. I can do short shifts if needed but more days so il see how i get on for the time being x
A support worker on mental health ward. I am kept safe but you never get a minute. I can do short shifts if needed but more days so il see how i get on for the time being x

Oh wow! Demanding job I can imagine but rewarding x What an interesting job! I bet it's very busy! Yeah just take it easy, don't over-work yourself. I went on maternity leave at 32 weeks (I lie, it was annual leave until 39 weeks preg!) and that was definitely time for me. It wasn't a physically demanding job but I found it mentally exhausting. Was great to put feet up!! :) xx
A support worker on mental health ward. I am kept safe but you never get a minute. I can do short shifts if needed but more days so il see how i get on for the time being x

Would they not let you reduce your hours and keep full pay? I work for the police and I did, I just had to get a doctors note requesting shorter shifts. I went from 10 hours to 6 hours a day from 24 weeks pregnant but still kept to my regular shift pattern x
PS: that's just me though! I'm a bit of a wuss lol xx
It is a demanding job!

I wish they would let me do less for the same pay but dont think NHS does that ! I have done a few shifts taking it easy after 3pm and been okay so far so will stick with it for now.

Had my 25 week appointment today alls well . Measuring exactly 25 weeks and heartbeat good. She said she was wriggling about how they know that i dont know ! X
I work in the NHS luckily I've been ok but one of the other pregnant ladies had a really bad back and they didn't accommodate short shifts they have stopped them completely in our trust so if you can do short shifts that's great lol x
I work in the NHS luckily I've been ok but one of the other pregnant ladies had a really bad back and they didn't accommodate short shifts they have stopped them completely in our trust so if you can do short shifts that's great lol x

I think some managers can be really funny, luckily mine are fab but i dont like to make a fuss as i feel bad on others having to do more work but i cant go on as i was. They seem to have suggested lots of options but i want to stay on the ward for now, when i cant move about as much il help in the office doing mon-fri short days but not yet as i will loose out unsociable pay x
Yes they base your mat pay on weeks 17-25 I did loads of unsocial. It will really make a difference plus in taking 12 months off :) X
I thought it was last two months before you go off i should have doubled up ha ha!

Not sure how long im having off need to work it out as the wards closing in march and moving too far for me to go. So saving my annual leave and mite have 6 months off And go back on nights for a few months then take my annual leave, that way i can work back my three months without going to the new ward!
Im so uncomfortable these last few days it hurts to bend and i cant lie still. Babys moving fine im wondering if its all the prodding the midwife did yesterday. Hope it goes away or will never cope for another 15 weeks ha ha
Got the pram today and baby brain hasnt made a note of the make or taken a picture ha ha so will be a surprise in september when i see it again!

Also got her coming home out fit xx


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Thank you. No idea what babies usually go home in !

BabyStyle Vision Impact Package Trafalgar Pink
My pram bet she thought i was daft calling for the make!


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Aww lovely :) It's so exciting buying the pram. I loved ordering mine x And I love pushing it around now :D xx
Aww lovely :) It's so exciting buying the pram. I loved ordering mine x And I love pushing it around now :D xx

I was exciting after i got used to parting with so much money and trying to justify how much it would get used ha ha! My mums giving us most of the money for it so not bad!

3d scan say today that husbands booked hes so excited! Taking my step daughter to which is nice she gets involved x
3d scan my baby girl xxx


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Oh wow! They are such gorgeous pics. She looks so cosy :) awww you must be chuffed, made me feel all broody (good job I'm pregnant!). X