Such an actioned packed weekend.
Me and the boyfriend went to go view a house today that someone he works with is renting out. Private garden and a fire. Which is what our house at the moment lacks. So we decided to go for it. The house needs painting, but he is going to provide it all, andpay the bf to paint it. Win win, i tell thr bf what colours he does it. Moving in, in a month. Arrrr. love moving.

fresh start and clean canvas.
The persons who's house it is, told us we can do what ever we like to it. Treat it as our own. So this is going to be nice, as we cant afford a deposit on a house. So its a nice comprimise.
Need to write our notice to rightmove tomo.

Thank god. Pains in the bum.
So as we were up super early to see the house, the bf took us to mc donalds. So i ate a mc donalds breakfast. opps.
Then been food shopping, brought lots of sw friendly food to help me be good in the week.
Weather has been really sunny here, so we went to a bear garden. Only had diet coke. Go me resisted the vino.

Now waiting for the beef to finish. Got roast parnsips onion and carrots. Mash and roasties plus califlower. Yum.
Wi tomo, not looking forward to it, as its TTOTM.

So we will see how it goes.
Tinks x