Unfortunately i feel a whole lot worse, but at least ive not got things eating away at me now

Down the parents as i was a bit of a state last night, so breakfast is at the mercy of their cupboards!
Greeeeen day
2x white bread *sigh* - 7
Small scraping butter - 3 *another sigh*
Cadburys highlights - 2 *sigh sigh sigh!*
Ill try and be super good for the rest of the day, and upload later <crosses fingers>
OK, so that didn't work. Feel like being a little naughty, so i am doing!
Milk - A&B
Chicken fajitas (peppers, onions, chicken (HE), seasoning)
2 wraps - 10 (only diddy ones)
tbsp salsa
tbsp sour cream - 3
SW Jacket wedges
1/2 fat grated cheese (HE)
But it was worth it!