I was a bad lass over the weekend, a bad bad lass.
Saturday started well. Bit of lunch and a diet coke. Then a vodka and diet coke, which isn't too bad. However, I have no idea when I got home, how I got home, or what happened! I think the 4 bottles of wine were perhaps to blame.......
But, apart from the remorseful hangover (which I still have!), it was a good day/night out. I know we went to the pub where my ex works, and my friend has told me I didn't make a scene, but not 100% sure on that front, as we were drink-to-drink all day! Ooops!
Also saw the ex's mother in town, which was interesting! She had her grand-daughter with her, and I said hi, and she explained to the girl "It's Auntie Amanda. We've not seen her for awhile, have we?"
Neither me nor my friend knew what to do, neither did the little girl! I just smiled, and said bye.
Was nice to spend a night being a prat, just like we used to when we were 18. I'm sure I was annoying as hell, and drunk within an inch of my life, but that's what friends are for! I've been there with them, holding them up, and telling them it's not as bad as it seems, so they can do the same for me
So.....lets hope the scales are friendly tomorrow. Please scale fairies, be nice.......
Day 48: 7/11/10
Milk - HE
chocolate star cereal things - 4
Mashed potato
mustard - 0.5
steak stew
sausage - 4
Ryvitas - HE
Cheese - 6?
Hangover day, joys!