Tipperary will rock 2025

Morning all. Im sitting on the terrace overlooking the sea waiting on sunshine and family both to rise.
Right on the coast and the water is so clear.
Quick run through of food
Saturday evening. Arrived after midnight and had lots of red wine with ham a d cheese and olives. Also had some squares of chocolate.
Sunday. Breakfast was a boiled egg, half avocado, slice ham, slice cheese and some bread.
Lateish lunch out of a wine lake, gaspacho, cheeseburger no bun but did have the chips. Not many and proper home made ones with the skin on.
Lounged by the pool the for the evening with even more wine. Didnt feel like dinner so had nibbles of cheese, ham, egg, olives and cashews.
Lunch involved a 2km walk.
Ahh tip enjoy your holiday! Foods looks lovely, hope you can relax :classic_big_grin:
Have a lovely time! Sounds beautiful. Nothing like a holiday by the sea.
Thanks Elanor, lovely to see you backπŸ‘
Rest of day yesterday. It was very cold and windy in the morning. I went for a 2.km walk in the morning but so went out for shopping and went out for dinner so ended up with an impressive 14989 steps.
Breakfast as photo above
Quick dip in pool
Lunch was chicken breast in pepper sauce, was served with a baked potato and rice, i had half the potato. It was a small one. 2 glasses white wine.
Dinner we went out again, i had a large glass of sangria. Had starter this time of ham croquettes, so breadcrumbs and flour in them. Then had lasagne, didnt finish it and tried to eat around the pasta. 2 glasses red wine with it and another when i got back.
Im having no desserts, i never do normally at home but would sometimes when away.
Im not snacking between meals, no chocolate or crisps or bread or ice cream.
And im walking.
Hopefully i will have a happy scales when i get home.
Morning again. Sunny today and sitting in the garden waiting on everyone to wake up. Ive done something to my hip, dont know what i just woke up with it all sore.
Well had way too much wine yesterday, i know im on holidays but it wss still too much.
Morning walk was 3k, i must count my overall steps.
Breakfast was half avocado slice ham, slice cheese, coleslaw and cashews.
Had crisps with rose wine before lunch, the first actual nibbles ive had.
Then lunch was a burger, coleslaw and courgette and tomato.
Went out for dinner and had chicken curry, well curry sauce that i had to hunt for the chicken in. It came with rice and chips but i had some naan bread with it instead

Not sure about plans for today as not keen on walking with my hip. I was going to stroll to the beach and lay on the sand for a while but forgot to hang my swimsuit up last night and its on the line now soaking wet.

Just checked and 7657 was my number of steps yesterday
Honestly, i decided to have bread for breakfast and had a roll with hame, cheesd, tomato and coleslaw and now i have raging heartburn. Of course it could be all the wine i had but only started after the bread.
Oh no I hate heartburn - but I have to be honest and say I do get it from wine the next day, never bread (although pastry does set it off too). Hope it's passed now, but if not drink lots of water (which I'm sure you're already doing!).

Hope the hip eases up too - you have been doing a lot of walking, maybe reduce the amount of walking a bit until your hip catches up? :)
Morning all again. So breakfast yesterday was the roll. Got so cold that i went back to bed to read. Had a short swim then lunch, a burger, guacamole and coleslaw. Also a few crisps. Went to the beach for lots of shnbathing and a quick paddle. Had two squares of chocolate. Came back and husband was in the pool so joined him for a splash around. Then a short walk to tbe shops to buy a ball and when we gotback daughter was in the pool so jumped in again.
Went out for dinner and it wasnt carb friendly at all. Paella is the special everywhere but plate is for 2. I dont eat fish so daughter and i decided to try the chicken paella, it was fine, im glad i tried it and now dont need to again. I also had onion rings, so batter on them. No dessert but i was given a shot of caramel vodka.
No actual morning walk yesterday but did manage 8800 steps overall. And three lots of swimming which was much more splashing than swimming but did exercise me particularly my arms.
Just finishing breakfast of half avocado, boiled egg, coleslaw and slice of ham. I went for a walk first and went along the coast. The area is full of coves, most not accessible by road. I got stuck at a dead end on a cliff and had to double back but it meant a nice 4 km walk with lots of exercise on my thighs as up and down rocks
Sounds wonderful Tipp - the food, the wine, the walks and the swims (I'm guessing the pool is heated?).

It must be really picturesque, where are you again?
Oh tipp, sounds wonderful! Its freezing here, I'm very jealous!
So devastating news today, naturally assumed it was about mam or dad when sis rang but no. My niece who will be 4 next saturday had a rash yesterday and went to childrens hospital to check it out. 3 hours later was addmitted to hospital with leukemia. Already started kemo and being operated on now. A teeny little thing, her big sis doesnt know yet as they want to tell her in person but havent been able to leave hospital yet.
I just keep breaking into bouts of crying. I went to the cathedral and lit a candle and had a total meltdown, 3 of us hugging and crying in the aisle.
Anyway, waiting on news now. Daughter 2 leaving in morning and she wants to tell daughter 1 in person.
I feel i should be at home bit knoe i cant do anything, however here im just waiting on the phone to ring... And crying.
OMG Tipp what awful news! I'm so very sorry, such a horrible thing to happen to one so young! But the hospital has acted really quickly, which can make all the difference.

All my thoughts and best wishes for your family, love xxx
Oh Tipp, I'm so sorry. Like Susie said, the hospital was able to act quickly which is a blessing. Lots of love to you and your family xx
Oh tipp, I’m so sorry. I echo what the ladies have said. You and your family are in my thoughts x
Thanks all. Still crying all day but got to speak to sis 2 who is the mammy. So in case anyone is confused sis 2 and daughter 1 are almost the same age and my grandson 1 is same age as this youngest niece.

Anyway. Instant prognosis is 6 months to 2 years, to cure her or know it wont work. So tough on such a teenny little one. She arrived at the hospital yesterday such a bundle of fun and already is in a kemo slump.
Thanks allπŸ‘Œ
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