So i dont think i told you, my husband told me i was fat

Yep, he said it, he said i was fat

Ok, so i know i am fat but you dont just come out with it. It came about because he has a very big belly, a dangerously big belly but no fat on his arms or legs. He has been sick and has a chronic illness and has been told by numerous doctors to lose weight. He has also had a number of very expensive heart and lung tests recently and told while his heart is currently fine they dont think it will be in two years when he is checked again if his lifestyle stays as it is. And the pressure in his lungs is too great with the weight of his belly, there are times he gets out of breath just standing up from sitting.
So while on holidays i suggested he take the opportunity of free time to get more exercise and maybe not 3 desserts every day. Well he lost the head and came back at me saying i had no right to comment as i was much fatter than him.
The thing is i know that, i believe that and i am trying hard to do something about that. He doesnt really see himself as overweight just a belly that he can "cycle off in a week or two".
So i challenged him to do that, said we would both lose weight, race each other to christmas and see how much we lose. Im not even suggesting we give our starting weight but just say how much our BMI has dropped.
So ive weighed in, got a scales, started a plan.
He is lying in pyjamas and had a mountain of black pudding and tomatoes and some cake. He cant start cos he hasnt got a bike, he cant weigh in cos the scales arent accurate and the Wii "doesnt fu@ck1ng work properly it tells me im obese".
We will see