Tipperary will rock 2025

Thanks all. Found out who made the complaint and doesnt bother me as much as she is a b1t@h. She came over to me yesterday on a rant about something i did wrong, i didnt know at the time it was her thst made the complaint. Was told by 3 supervisors who watched the encounter that i handled it very well...and proved that i acted on the authority of an inspector so way overides her wishes.
Big changes happening soon, all staff get moved around. I stay where i am but my wonderful colleague and supervisor get taken from me.

Anyway, food matters. Was very tired this morning so no swimming. Went to work, usual smoothie and chicken stirfry with cashews and green beans for lunch from my freezer. But for dinner now i had baked fishfingers but had oven chips with them. Not a lot but still over my carb allowance. Trying to psych myself up for a walk now.
Friday 19th july food and exercise log

Last weigh in Friday 12th at 78.7kg
Weigh in Friday 19th 77.5kg BMI 34.03
A 1.2kg loss
Next weigh in Friday 26th looking for a 500g loss 77kg

Woohooo..... πŸ˜ƒ

I dont want to see the 78,s again or be over 35BMI

I had planned on my weekly lunch with a colleague but cancelled as having dinner out with husband. Dont want to eat 2 meals out.
Fab loss Tipp, well done!!!!

Also well done on handling the stinky work ranter with such aplomb, especially as it was witnessed by people, who saw how well you dealt with it. Let's hope she gets moved in the reshuffle too!
Morning all, and the rain seems to have stopped. It was torrential all day yesterday. Really bad visability on the motorway and local flooding.
Well i am feeling tbe after effects of too much wine but we had a nice night out. Had a table booked at a local restaraunt and got a taxi home. Had two starters both lovely. Deep fried cauliflower cheese with spicy tomato sauce, and then goats cheese tart, but the tart base was made of beetroot. The cauliflower had a coating and i had chips, everything else was keto.
And i was good yesterday, i avoided the morning sausage rolls, the bosses leaving cake and a supervisors sympathy chocolate in the afternoon. I did have one jelly baby at 4 o clock, i waited until the liquorice was all gone.

So good news, i tried Cath on last night and the zip goes upπŸ˜ƒ. The button doesn't fasten and they dont look good but its a start. Im very much a humpty dumpty shape so weight focussed on upper and lower abdomen. So even though the trousers dont fit around the belly the thighs are baggy. If my belly is covered by a loose shirt it looks like i should be wearing smaller trousers.
Oh, and if you can see my ticker my little fishy went swimming
Daeling husband finally weighed himself and has gone off to Limerick to buy himself a bike. He was complaining that it wouldnt fit in the car so got the idea that i could drive him and he would just cycle back. 47km fir a man who hasnt sat on a bike in over 30 years😳
Hilarious - think he'd be more than a bit saddle sore!

I'm playing with the idea of an electric bike when I move back to London - with a special dog seat for the dogget. Or maybe I'll use a child pull along thingy.

I currently drive a 2003 automatic, which is starting to rust. So I'm not sure if it will pass its next MOT. My family living in London dont keep cars anymore. They rent a zipcar for a few hours, use a taxi/uber or the over 60s use a bus pass.

Grrrr: no bus passes in Norfolk until I'm 66 years old.....
Why is it 2 seperate ages Ali
Im going to have to go to the doctor this week. My hip has gotten much worse. I cant bend it at l now. Cant sit, cant get down the stairs, getting in and out of the car is difficult. I just need to find a day he is in early and i can start late.
Morning all. Weighed in and a 400g increas over the weekend, not surprised and not bothered. While i did go for slow walks on Saturday and Sunday i spent most of the two dsys lying flat on my back. I had two packs of cheese, Wensleydale with apricots and ginger and a Roule with pineapple. I also watched all of season 3 of Poldark.
Plan is to go swimming now, it doesnt over extend my hip and is exercise without weight on it.
Have you booked the doctor's appointment??? You need to go and get that seen to, love, don't put it off.

Love the thing about your OH riding through the countryside after years of no exercise - I sometimes dream about winning the 100 metres at the Olympics LOLOL.

And how was the beetroot base tart? Sounds like an amazing menu xx
Beetroot base was lovely. Going to try to go to gp in morning. He doesnt officially open till 9.30am but is sometimes there at 9am. That would give me time to gwt to qork bt 10am hopefully. Otherwise i need a cert from him.
Om so ended up leaving work at 3pm as just couldnt sit. So went to my gp and he is on holidays. Called his locum who cant see me until tomorrow afternoon. Went to the local hospital injuries clinic who cant xray hips and would only be sending me into regional hopital in limerick anyway. Thats on average a 10 hour queue. If i was a medical card patient they could give me pain relief but as a private patient i need a consultant to prescribe. They did try ringing around some gp surgeries but no luck. So tomorrow i am going to drive to galway and present at a private hospital A and E and let my insurance deal with it.
Morning, just getting ready to head off and see if someone will look at my hip. Ive an overnight bag packed just in case though am assuming ill be given anti inflammatories. Have a book packed for a wait. While it will be much quicker to get seen that public they do keep you around to get results rather than send you home.

Went for a wander last night with Oscar, walking is not problem, sitting is agony. He was so cute and so absorbed in nature and all the things he could see. Sniffing all the flowers, naming the trees, hugging dogs and ponies and digging holes with sticks. He carefully caught a butterfly (it was a moth) and let it go cos it pooped on him. And then finally got to our destination, the field of hay bales.

Spot the Oscar???😁

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Oh that is the cutest pic ever, what a cheeky wee chappy he looks.

But how ridiculous that you have to go to these lengths to get seen by a GP. Waiting times in my London doc's office are crazy like that too, weeks unless it was uber urgent (like, dying!). Good luck with the drive and getting to see someone quickly - and getting it sorted!
Normally my gp is fine, walk in 5 days a week. He just happens to be closed for holidays, and other gp picking up his overflow hence being busy.

Seen by ER doc and opinion is age, wear and tear, and weight. Done an xray and waiting on that us blood tests before ordering an mri. He said it is definitly hip though.
Aargh lost a big post, time for tea so
Ok start again.

12pm i had arthritis in my hip and needed an xray and blood tests to confirm. I am a bit young for it but he said the weight would be a contributing factor. He was happy when i said it was coming down. I was given anti inflammatories. Blood was hard to get as my veins are too small, 2 litres of water later she got enough to test.
5pm xray confirmed arthritis but blood tests showed no inflammation so thats not the cause of the pain. Also anti inflammatories did nothing. I needed an MRI. Choice was to go home and make an appointment or come back next day. But when i asked about pain relief and exercise they gave me a third option of just hanging around and seeing if they had a gap.
8pm got MRI
Sorry posting in bits as phone is updating and keeps doing silly things
So 9.30pm back with ER doctor. MRI shows a tear in my hip around the pelvic bone. Have an appointment with a specialist next Tuesday. In the meantime no weight allowed on my hip, no walking, no sitting, no standing, no driving. On crutches for in the house. I can swim, but cant actually get to the pool.