Tipperary will rock 2025

Morning all, a sneaky weigh in and staying still but still not got back to where i was.
Food wise was doing fine yesterday but then had to go out to see someone in the evening. The when i got home at 9pm i had wine, cheese, popcorn and then chocolate. I should have stayed at home and gone to bed.

Ive finished reading The Obesity Code and would highly recommend it. But i was waiting on much definite proof of fat and cholesterol. My head is still flip flopping on the significance and danger of cholesterol. Ive high cholesterol and take meds for it and was tring to avoid animal fats. New thinking is that dietary cholesterol isnt an issue and that the liver generates the cholesterol that it needs. But ive been eating fat and in particular eggs and cheese. And my heart has felt a bit tight the past few days, now it could be stress, it could be lack of movement but part of my brain is telling me its what im eating.
I might read that part of the book again. Also im on anti inflammatories and that can interfere with insulin aswell so need to clarify that bit.
Having some tea and going to go for a walk anyway as a start today.
Morning Susie, cross posted again😊
Last weigh in Friday 19th July at 77. 5kg
Weigh in Friday 2nd August 78.5kg BMI 34.43
A 1kg gain
Next weigh in Friday 9th August looking for a 1kg loss to bring me back to 77.5kg

Obviously not happy with the gain but understanding it. I need to get back on my feet and back into a proper routine.
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Goodness, Tipp. The consultant sounds awful. Can you get a second opinion? I'm certain you know your body better than a man who didn't examine you.
The Obesity Code sounds interesting, I'll go take a sneaky peek.

Hope you're not so bored today. A show I meant to mention the other day, which I loved, is The Detectorists - a lovely soft drama about two metal detectors with Toby Jones and Mackenzie Crook. I watched it on Dailymotion.
Not so bored any more as im mobile now. I can drive in and out of town. Hopefully by next week i can drive to work. Im also walking short distances. I even got some sun yesterday
The Obesity Code sounds interesting, I'll go take a sneaky peek

Recommended by Aligal, a realy good read. Im trying to get husband to read it
Im having a "poor me," day. Wine and chips are involved. Will sort myself out next week.
Morning all. So i had the fish and chips last night, and 4 jaffa cakes and one and half bottles of wine😳
As i said i was having a poor me day.

Last week it seemed i had a hip injury, i was in pain and couldnt move. But to me that was something that could be fixed. Costly yes, painful yes, but fixable.
Now im facing the reality of having arthritis in my hip which isnt fixable. When i asked the consultant about physio or exercise he simply said "you cant get rid of arthritis". Im mobile again. I can walk around the house and cook, but cant bend and cant manage the dishwasher and washing machine. I can go out for a walk, in fact walking eases it for a while. But cant go as far as i would like and not very fast. Ive been driving but its painful, sitting is painful. And next week ive to go back to work which involves driving further and sitting in an office chair and getting up and down which is the hardest. My supervisor has been great and said not to worry and come back when i can but the reality is is that this is now permanent and i have to deal with it.
I dont feel that the anti inflammatories are helping me (and the give me really bad diarrhea😩) but am happy to persevere with them for a while and give them a chance. Im taking glucosimine so will also see if that helps. And if the pain is bad at night take paracetamol, i dont like to take it during the day as it makes me a bit drowsy.
So will try to have a normal week next week and see how i feel and then go to my GP and look at long term options.

Of course these options include losing weight to reduce the pressure on the hip and to try stopping it getting worse. Swimming is perfect if i can fit it in (my schedule will change in 2 weeks but more about that another time) and i need to control the "tummy issues" caused by the meds before im confident to go to the pool.

Ive been told to walk, swim and cycle but not to jog. So i can finally stop feeling guilty about only ever doing day one of C25K. πŸ˜‚

OK, so poor me is over and normal service now resumed. πŸ‘
I had 6 squares of chocolate, the chocolate is now all gone. There is no chocolate in the house now, and no wine either.

Was up early and so had breakfast earlier than usual. Had sausages, eggs and white pudding. Have just had lunch, ham, salad, ricotta and coconut and courgette soup.

Wanted to go for a walk but its raining heavy out.
Music through headphones
Walk round house
Or up and down stairs
Pretend you out?
I sometime pace round house to get my Fitbit steps up. Always have music on. Xxx
I have arthritis in my knees and personally don't think much of the anti inflammatories, so I go the herbal route - big doses of turmeric with curcumin (black pepper, helps the turmeric absorb into the blood stream better), and a combo of glucosamine/chondroitin/boswellia, plus CBD oil. I've also got myself a Revitive to help with circulation and my knees, just started it on the weekend. It does require a bit of experimenting to see what works best for you - and it's not quick, you have to keep taking the supplements for a while before you feel any effect - but I'd really recommend a high dose of turmeric, it makes a huge difference and I really feel it if i stop taking it.
Thanks susie. Ive decided not to continue indefinitely with them but to wait till the end of this week at work and then stop. They also seem to be causing insomnia, im 3 nights now without sleeping.
Was supposed to get back to work today but taking a holiday day. I had it provisionaly boojed anyway as had a big weekend planned, see below
Oh good, enjoy your day off x

I'm really suffering from insomnia at the moment - the house is hot and I have the fan on full blast all night but still wake up with hot flushes, RLS and needing the loo about 4-5 times a night. Blooming menopause - it's not for the fainthearted!
So it was the weekend of our county agricultural show and im on the committee. Normally i look after the catering which takes a full four days to do including lifting and moving furniture. So i had to take myself out of it this year once i knew my hip was a problem. Then at the last minute we needed someone to do MC for the show and i offered, after all i could sit and talk. We had great weather and a great turnout for the show. And we had a surprise guest turn up, our Taoiseach (prime minister) turned up to meet everyone. I sat beside him and had tea but didnt get to interview him as i had to get to the stage and compere the best dressed lady competition. My daughters turned up to see me and got dragged into running and assisting the judge, so a family event on the stage.
Anyway my left arm is black and blue from the crutch. I got bitten by a horsefly and sent daughter 2 of to get some cream from the ambulance crew before it started to swell. I said tell them im on a crutch and cant come down. Well 3 ambulance crew came to attend to my bite. And they gave me an anti histamine which has me a bit zonked, insomnia and sleepy at the same time.
Food wise, a really bad weekend. Yesteday was a day full of sandwiches and cake. Will try to get back on track over the next few days and wont weigh in until Friday
Yep, he seems to be a down to earth decent guy. Was no politicking going on, no tv cameras or press, just out enjoying the day, drinking tea and eating cake.