Tipperary will rock 2025

Head is heavy, and deservedly so. Had the soup and some brown soda bread for breakfast. Then my smoothie at about 12pm. Making more soup now, curried coconut, cauliflower and courgette. And i have chicken out for dinner.
Id like to go out for a walk but also need to collect my car from town so waiting to see if someone can give me a lift.
Had the soup at lunch along with a slice of ham and some cheese. Then had a small piece of chicken and some pickled red cabbage for dinner.
Im watching season 1 of Bake Off and craving digestives
Got safely through the day with 2 squares of chocolate to add to all of the above.
Morning, well i have official Friday weigh in
77. 3kg
BMI 33.9
A loss of 1.4kg this week
But an overall gain of of 1.2kg since September.

Im OK with that, i am now happy with where i am going and am focussed and motivated.
Its Friday but im not planning on takeaway or wine this evening. Instead i have a shopping list and plan on stopping at the supermarket. I might have an omlette or something for dinner.
Ive a batch cooked meal from the freezer for lunch, its chicken something, either thai curry, passanda or stir fry, i cant see through the lid and didnt label it.
That's a great loss Tipp, well done mate!

And brave of you to watch cooking shows, I'm so suggestible, if i watched stuff like that I'd be reaching out for all the cakes in the land!
Well done on your loss! I used to batch cook on slimming world and was forever having a mystery dinner as i never labelled anything convinced i'd remember what was in what tupperware despite previous evidence to the contrary!
Lunch appears to be thai chicken and courgette curry
Smoothie at 11am and went shopping at lunchtime. Had some pistachios then curry at 4pm and two squares chocolate. Dinner at 7pm was 2 slices of pizza, 1 glass of white wine and 2 more squares of chocolate. NOT an ideal keto day but certainly the best Friday ive had in a long time.
Did some christmas shopping at lunchtime including going to a shoe shop i was told had a sale. I got a pair of pure leather hand stiched oxford brogues with leather soles in multi blue, reduced from, €195 to €35😍. Very happy with that purchase.
Up now and having tea. Writing another shoping list for the week and planning on some batch cooking including keto lasagne, meatballs and soup. Bit windy after the pizza but i do feel i am going in the right direction now.
Saturday didnt go quite as planned but still better than it has been ans i did reign myself in a few times.
Fast 16 hours, the had cauli and coconut soup for breakfast at 11am with a slice of GF bread spread with avocado and cottage cheese.
Lunch was 4 meatballs and a piece of cheese.
4 squares chocolate and a packet of popcorn
Sourdough roll with ham and avocado
Red wine.

Plan today is stick with 16 hour fast the smoothie for breakfast.
Ive a roast chicken and spouts to cook today. Ive pumpkin too, i might roast some. I must check what the carb value of that is.

I did some batch cooking yesterday, meatballs with some roat onion, peppers, cauliflower and curry powder. I have four portions of 5 meatballs frozen with a side of spinach with a bit of cottage cheese stirred in.

So hoping i can stick with it strictly from today through to Thursday anyway. Meals sorted for the next 5 days.
Ive tweaked my breakfast smoothie recipe to lower the carbs. So its now
60g blueberries or raspberries
20g flaxseed
20g almonds
5g cacoa
100ml almond milk
Sprinkle of cinnamon or raw ginger

Then fortified with magnesium, vit B, glucosimine and milk thistle if ive had wine. I think now coming into cold and flu season i might add echinacea.

Macro breakdown looks this

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They look a bit more glam in that photo than in reality. They are a little bit more toned down and less shiny than that.

Anyway, having dinner now. Plan was a soup and a burger and maybe soup or salad. I logged all my food today and planned dinner and realised i needed to up my fat. So i added cheese to my burger. I logged both, MyCarb gave me 11g fat for the burger but the pack said 3g. I went with the app but still only came uo with the following. Ive 18g carbs for the day but came in at 22g. My protein is still low and fat too low.

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So im looking for suggestions to increase my fat content. But im trying to lower my animal fats. And there is only so much avocado and coconut i can stomach. So a bit stuck, any suggestions.
seeds and/or nuts? I've read people avoid these to keep their protein down but as your protein is low too that might work? Or using more olive oil in cooking? You could do something like add MCT oil to chia pudding also. (I added coconut oil once but obviously it just solidified into one big lump that was not a nice mouthful.)