Tipperary will rock 2025

Swimming sounds good. I'm looking to get back into swimming which I've done with most successful diets. I am still waffling about which pool to join though.
I dont have a choice about pools😜.
Another teeny drop so on track for tomorrows official weigh in. I cant completly blow it today but do need to work hard today to keep up my momentum.
Having lunch out, plan was a walk and lunch but the walk is weather dependant.
Here is official Friday weigh in
75kg down from 75.6kg, 77. 3kg
BMI 33 down from 33. 16, 33.9
A loss of 0.6kg this week

Happy with that, target for next week is 74.5kg
So in the interests of honesty and full disclosure i should tell you what actually happened at my weigh in yesterdayπŸ™„.

On Thursday i weighed in and was 74.6kg, an amazing weight for me. But then Thursday evening i had wine and toast. So woke up Friday morning for weigh in. Ive been a bit constipated this week and hadnt been to the bathroom. So onto the scales and it showed 75.3kgπŸ˜” an increase of 600g overnight. So naturally i was disapointed and annoyed. So thought sure i will use Thursdays as my total. And then thinking but thats a whole extra 600g i have to lose. So my brain compromised and decided to split the difference and take 75kg as weight.
Anyway, then i finally managed to go to the bathroom and thought "well thats a big one, surely im lighter now" πŸ˜‚πŸš½so back onto the Wii to weigh in and i was bang on the 75kg.

Wore a dress to work yesterday that i havent wore in two years, as usual with me its a Desigual one with a large graphic print. Nice and comfy for work but very me. It was admired on me.
Food wise though i had too many bad things, mostly planned but shouldnt have had them all in one day. A sausage roll at 10am (weekly team meeting someone does a sausage roll run first) then a chcolate biscuit with tea. Then meatballs from my lunch at 11 cos i was cold. Then went out for lunch at 2pm with my supervisor and had a burger and chips, no bun. Home af 5pm and had a muffin. Then out at 6pm for drinks with ex collegues. I wasnt going to have food but they were so i ordered a toasted sandwich, it was what i can describe as mindless eating. Lots of wine and then when i came home (i did get a lift) i had half a muffin and some aero. So probably undone 2 weeks work.

I wore a dress i boughg a few weeks ago, a silky shift style, it is to be my go to christmas dress. I still wasnt sure about it but with make up, heels and jewellery it looked great. And everyone commented that i had lost weight, i havent seen these since April, so that was a great boost

So, now need to see if i can undo yesterday, lots of water and green tea.
I think the constipation was caused by not enough water and also i wasnt having my regular smoothie with flaxseed everyday. The smoothie issue is sorted, my replacement parts for the nutri bullet arrived.

Going to see what offers the pool has on membership. But wont go today, its in the local hotel where we had drinks last night which hosted a big party. So lots of families stayed over so pool will be full of kids today.

Anyway, thats lots more me. As usual i may have overshared, buf sure why not😜
Some days are just like that eh, just got to not worry about it and carry on - which you do really well :).

Love that you're getting into your fab sounding dresses.
Thanks Susie
Morning all, well unofficial weigh in and im up by 1kg sincr FridayπŸ™„.
Downing lots of water and green tea now. Going to go for a walk soon and then have breakfast. Then ive to go shoping and will pop to the pool and sort out membership. Plan is to go 2 or 3 mornings a week before work
Hip is feeling much better thanks Susie. Thats why i am happy to go swimming.
Plan for today changed slightly as its wet out now and im very cold. So walk can wait for later. Ive made cauli and brocolli soup and has a bowl of it with cheese sprinkled in it and two cracottes with butter. Its warmed me up a bit. Writing a shopping list and will pop into town soon.
Finally got out for a walk, 2.5km. I could have gone 3km but didnt want to push my hip too far. I didnt sort out pool membership but i did shave my legs πŸ‘ so cant use them as an excuse not to go.
Ive increased even more. πŸ™„ I now need to lose 2.8kg to lose my planned 1kg.
Well some of it was fridays food and saturdays wine but i wasnt exlwcting another increase this morning.
However it did spur me on, i went swimming this morning and did 20 lenghts. So instead of sitting in traffic for 30mins i will swim and leave later and start work at 10am.

Just had soup now instead of a smoothie. I have chocolate coconut milk for later with all my supplements added. Keto lasagne for lunch a a short walk out to the shops at lunchtime, i need a new glue gun.
Yep the coconut chociolate milk fills me up, makes me feel warm and increases my fat contwnt without bad fats.
New glue gun purchased so christmas decorations here i come
Morning all, well once again im going to overshare. The constipation is back and its very bad. Ive been trying to go since yesterday morning and cant. Ive never normally had problems like this. I went back to having my flaxseed smoothie yesterday. I was wearing a dress with tights and after lunch could feel the tights getting tighter and tighter. My stomach now is so bloated. I took an aloe colon cleanse tablet last night, i bought them in spain. Previously they have had "spectacular" results within a few hours😱