Tipperary will rock 2025

Hi all, back from town from swimming and shopping. Did 20 lenghts of pool and relaxed in jacuzzi for a while.
Only having my breakfast smoothie now so an unintentional 20 hour fast. Feel great on it and only beginning to get hungry. Arms and legs feel great after the exercise.
Morning all, just cant sleep. So while yesterday started well with exercise and great intentions it didnt end up well, diet wise that is. I opened a bottle of wine and found some chocolate.
Food wise i "technically" πŸ™„ only had one meal. I had my breakfast smoothie at 2pm followed immediately by soup, a burger and salad leaves. And then i had crackers and butter and then cos i had wine i had crackers and cheese and was finished eating by 4pm
Came to bed at about 10pm but have been awake since 1am. I need to get my body clock back to normal for work next week.
Morning again, up properly and have had herbal tea. Going to go for a walk, just 2km as its raining. Then planning on an omlette for breakfast.
Morning all, still not 100% focussed but getting more on plan every day. Im recording everything in my diary here (Tipperary is shrinking, link below) and in my written down diary. I ended 2019 at 77kg but by my first official Friday 2020 weigh in had me up to 78kg. So goal for this Friday is just to record a loss, to be anything under 77kg.
Yesterday went for a 2.5km walk. It is so nice to be off work and get out in daylight in the fresh air, i keep saying it, the benefits are so much more than the exercise. Back to work tomorrow so any daylight walking will be hurried at lunchtime and in a city with people and noise and pollution. Im really looking forward to a stretch in the evenings.
Meals yesterday, an omlette at about 12pm with salad leaves. Then at 4pm i had courgette and coconut soup, a burger, mashed avocado and more salad leaves. I enjoy a combination of baby spinach and rocket, i drizzle with great olive oil bought in Spain and then grind sea salt and black pepper on. Ive bought mini salt and pepper grinders for work, i already have a tin of olive oil there.
At 7pm i had 4 crackers with butter and ham. Thankfully those crackers are now gone. I also had 4 choc chip cookies, one glass red wine and then 2 Lindt chocs in bed. These where a combination of habit, boredom and gluttony.
Mini goals for today

A swim
No chocolate
Prepare meals for the week
Sorry you couldn't sleep though, I was awake then too.

Thanks Susie, slept well last night and need to get back to a regular routine and back to work tomorrow with a whack.

Already planning time off and have to be careful with money this year. Ive gone for shorter working year and have 6 weeks off in September/October. But that means my weekly wage is reduced pro rata so in effect am coming home with less every week. As i dont eat a huge amount of meat my food costs arent as high as some who do keto. My biggest spends are monthly visits to health food shop to by almonds and flaxseed along with supplements (which due ti changes in VAT have increased since Jan 1).

So ideas to spend less:
Have lunch out or takeaway or even just a bought deli lunch no more than once a week.
If i go for a walk at lunchtime at work walk to the park not past the shops.
Plan meals well and prepare so no food waste.
Grocery shop weekly with a list.
Play canny with the staff car park and swap with collegues to get the best with it so saving on paid car park.

But having said that i still need treats and have promised myself one for each kilo lost
Ideas are
76kg Get eyebrows done
75kg Get hair done
74kg Get nails done
73kg New underwear
72kg New proper jeans, a trip to Levis shop
71kg New glasses
70kg A new summer dress and not in XL
Love the treat list, they are brilliant - and you absolutely do need them!

Completely get you on the bordeom thing with evening grazing, I'm getting rid of (as in, giving/throwing away, rather than consuming :classic_roll_eyes:) all potential hazards before Friday - if it's not there, I can't have it...there's no alcohol, chocolate, crips, nuts, crackers or any other snacky stuff, and plenty of green veg should a miracle happen and that's what i fancy eating after dinner :D.
Ideally i would do that too Susie but 8 of us live here so thats impossible. Imagine the riots if i cleared the place outπŸ™„.

Just back from a swim, 20 lengths and then time in the jacuzzi. 20 is comfortable to do, id prefer to do more. 12 at the moment is all i can fit it on a work day as im rushing to get to work on time.
Well done on the swimming - I still haven't joined a pool. The treat plan sounds good. I used to reward myself with getting my nails done might have to consider it again.
Morning all, well i had another sneaky Lindt chocolate going to bed last night and the box seems never ending. So unopened box is now on the gift shelf. Opened ones are going to work to hide in my drawer for when my boss gets her 4pm chocolate longing along with are bar of dark lindt. The 2 remaining Toblerone triangles and 4 squares of nut Milka are in the back fridge hiding for when someone else in the house wants some.
Food plan for today smoothie made for 11am, sausage/halloumi/spinach stir fry for lunch and have soup and roast chicken for dinner.

Mini goals today:
No chocolate
No wine
No snacks
Love the mini goals, you can do it!

I came in to chocolate on my desk - so will donate it to the team too :). A Terry's chocolate orange with a very cute Christmas pud knitted cover - I'll keep that :).
Our office has a desk full of everyones leftovers too, im staying well away
Hi all, sitting at my desk and have avoided the office cake and biscuits. Had smoothie at 12.30pm and lunch at 2.30 of kale and keto lasagne. Not sure whats for dinner at home. Deliberately staying late in order to leave less time at home for wine or nibbles.
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Well done on avoiding the cake and biscuits, offices are the worst for this, I find so much temptation. In my office I sit on the end desk as well next to the cabinets where everyone puts junk and I move them to the next end desk along.
Well we came in on Monday and the spare desk was covered in treats. And we havent discovered who left them there. But ive avoided them. Home now and a glass of wine is so tempting. Told a collegue about my planned weight loss treats so now i have to achieve.
Morning all, a good nights sleep and getting ready for work. Smoothie made and a strange concoction for lunch. I had mince to be cooked and fried it off with pancetta thinking something italian. But then i decided to put curry powder in a have it dry fried savoury. Then i found some skinny noodles so put some noodles in a lunchbox, poured some passata over them and the mince on top. Will heat at work and have some greek yogurt for on top.