Tipperary will rock 2025

I agree Susie, we had become so consumer orientated.Maybe this is a stop, rethink, start again. But as soon as the news came to us from China i forsaw that this would be so much bigger than we thought. Mind you i imagined we would have more time to prepare. I thought we would get to Spain last week but knew my Sept plans would be in jeopardy. Once Italy started to have cases i was like a broken record at work asking for the borders to be shut and laughed at by everyone. We are an island nation IDEAL to stop the spread. When the first case hit the UK I told all the family we would be in lockdown within a few days. Everytime someone left the house i asked them to buy paracetamol (you can only buy one pack at a time). And finally i did a big 2 week shop and just as well as that was 3 weeks ago. I think the food issue is only this weekend hitting home with my husband, previously while eating he wasnt thinking about what do we have for tomorrow. He realised it when we ran out of cat food and had to call my sons friend to get some for us.
Im also being considereate of online shopping now. Is it ESSENTIAL, is it really worth someone having to work in a warehouse to pick it for me.

Anyway rant over, sorryπŸ™„

Still waiting on test results, no idea what tbe story is. Called helpline yesterday and only advice is to stay in isolation. Expecting a call from my boss today as my 2 week special leave is up, but still not allowed to leave the house. They have facilitated working from home but still coughing and have breathing issues. I cant walk and talk and cant hold a full conversation. Im up and im mobile and can get outside so luckier than most.

Just have some tea, green tea with seaweed and mint and then of out for a walk.

Take care all
I agree re the shopping - i have one more online shop booked but am including items for a couple of elderly neighbours, and then that's it for a while. I've found a local shop which seems qell stocked so that's my one trip a day, if needed. I can't get paracetemol for love nor money, but have plenty of ibuprofen, which will have to do - but touch wood, I feel fine and am very careful with reducing all contact with people.

It seems to me that virtually every government has failed to take the virus seriously and act quickly to contain it. An Aussie mate is furious that Australia has only just imposed lockdown and only for four weeks. Personally I think we'll be in lockdown for six months - but luckily so far in my town there are no cases reported yet.

You can't start work again if you're still not well Tipp, please don't push yourself! Rest up love xx
Morning all, wow its hard to know what to do for the best, work wise, food wise, family wise, emotionally wise. Havent returned to work yet but was contacted by my boss wanting to know what the story is. They will allow me to work from home and seem to think thats the issue solved. But i am still having coughing fits and some breathing issues. Breathing certainly not as bad as it was but cant hold a full conversation or talk while moving, not life threatening but not normal either. My throat is sore, but sore and raw from just coughing not burning or infected sore, my voice (when i have it) very hoarse.
Foodwise last went shopping 8th March but i did shop well that day and are now getting to the bottom of the freezer. I never envisaged we wouldnt be able to get out again. Tesco delivery arriving this evening with essentials snd some luxuries. Running out of things i wouldnt normally include in my grocery shop, toothpaste, conditioner etc, things i normally buy seperately.
I feel im getting bigger but caught between eating what we have, not wanting to waste food and to be honest a little bit of boredom and needing some comfort. I am a little more physical, going for a walk each morning at about 8am, up to 3.5km now and hoping to stretch it a little more this morning. Government guidelines are within 2km of your house, we are so lucky we live in the middle of nowhere and i never meet anyone anyway.
Getting lots of work done in my polytunnel, it was my pride and joy but ive ignored it now for 2 years. So it is almost cleared out of nettles, i managed to order and have delivered seeds from 2 local suppliers before they shut down and today (fingers crossed) a pallet of growbags arrive🀞. The ground is just too full of roots so going to cover and and use the growbags. I definitely think the current situation will last a lot longer than we think and believe it will also cause a change in how we do things. Im just hoping i can provide fresh food daily for my family. Im going to go as salad greens, parsley, coriander, cutting celery, cress, spinach, butterhead lettuce, mustards, red lettuce. And as a quick crop 2 types of courgette. Also have beetroot and baby carrots, small ones only as grow bags not very deep. Then tomatoes and mini aubergines. Growing raab with is similar to sprouting broccolli but quck and long term i have black italian kale, Cavali Nero, hopfully i will have some outdoor space cleared for it by the time its ready to be planted outside. Most of the things are quick growing to get green vitamins into us quickly
(If anyone is interested im @tingelbach on Instagram with my garden, and possibly cats and some babies😏)
So still need to sort out my weight but as i say right now dont always have a choice in what i eat. But i seem to be eating a lot, nope, not a lot but WAAAYYYY too much bread. I am totally bloated and full of wind.
Delivery arriving this evening and i am having really good pizza and red wine. I have ordered almonds and flaxseed so plan is from Monday to get back to keto and intermittent fasting. Hopefully also back to work.
I will take the weekend as it comes and then back to strictly shrinking from Monday. Hooefully by then i will have news and be allowed out. If i know we can do shopping weekly then it will get much easier to plan.
Stay safe all
My thread title maybe should be changed to 2020 will rock usπŸ˜•
Morning Tipp - you aren't well so you've got to tell your work that! It sound to me like you might have the virus, sounds the same as a work colleague (in another town) - so they will just have to sign you off on full pay, or you could WFH on reduced hours, maybe?

Loving the self sufficiency on the veg front, it's something I'm going to start doing in pots once I move.

Can anyone get out for you to do the shopping? Don't think you should be going anywhere but bed xxx
Nope, no one should go out. Once someone has symptoms then whole household is isolation until all clear or they are 14 days clear. 14 days had to start again once husband was sick. Another day or 2 and they will be allowed out. We have been going out walking but not going to shops or anywhere we will meet anyone.
Anyway, just in from a walk. 3.6km this morning. Did my 3.5km which takes me to the bottom of the road and another teeny bit further, pyschologically it was furtherπŸ˜‰.
Having green tea with seaweed and two slices toast with half avocado and a hard boiled egg.

Off now to build a home office and then see what is to be done today in the tunnel. The covering is covered in cr@p and needs to be cleaned but i just dont have the energy for that.
Morning all. Well good news the shopping arrived last night. It was like a military operation putting it away. And as promised to myself i had lots of wine and pizza.
Plan for today foodwise is to get me back in a proper groove and get back to as close to keto as i can from tomorrow.
More good news, my growbags arrived. I have a pallet of 40 of the beauties on a pallet in the driveway. Another 2 days of work and reckon tunnel will be all set up and growing. One of the seed companies called me yesterday to check they had arrived. They sent them out in such a rush that they lost track of what they posted. I said all arrived fine but selection was very limited. She said they are stock taking and will reopen in a few weeks. It is a working farm and seed bank. All the seeds are open pollinated so if i sow tomatoes this year i can continually save the seed and grow them every year. She said they had such a run on the seeds that they had to close to see if they had viable amounts left themselves.
And now some bad news, Simba our orange cat was taken to be put down yesterday. He was about 15 and lived outdoors but wanted to be indoors. He had half an ear and was almost blind. The past 2 weeks he has lost a huge amount of weight. I have had him indoors since. He wasnt able to jump up on the couch, i had to lift him up. He didnt want to be on his on and a few nights he came to bed with me. He is daughter 2s cat and i have been saying to her he isnt great and now that she is home she noticed. Anyway, yesterday she lifted him up onto the couch and he couldnt even move himself to get comfortable so she rang the vet and in he went. He is buried now in the garden. The world is in turmoil and it was a cat that got us all emotional
Ok so i promise from this post on there will be some reference made to my weight loss journey. I cant promise you a total ban on rambling on about my family and garden and petsπŸ˜‚ but promise to include something about weight loss.
Time to get out of bed and go for a walk i think🚢
Back from a walk, 3.84kmπŸ˜€. I decided to do as yesterday and go 3.5km and a little more. Set my pedometer app for 3.5km and it measured as about, just over 3.8km. When i started off my legs where tired but i decided instead of walking less i would keep the distance and walk a little slower.
Having water now, and the green tea a d have my breakfast smoothie ready.
Ive chicken bones to make stock and think i will make courgette and spinach soup with it
Oh love I'm so sorry to hear about Simba, big hugs!

I hope you don't put a ban on talking about cats and kids and everything else xxx

Well done though on all the grow bags, that's going to be you sorted for ages now on the fresh veg front. And well done on getting back to keto, you're great when you decide, right that's it x
Thanks Susie. So day one of reset and i just need to say IM STARVING😳
Almost, but not quite. Lunch was spinach and courgette soup made from homemade chicken stock. With some grilled chicken, coleslaw, rocket and 2 hash browns. The chickwn and hash browns where leftovers from yesterdays lunch and i couldnt waste them. Then i had 1 chocolate digestive.
Moved some of the growbags, off now to try to lift them into the tunnel
I've just caught up with you again - you have been (and are going to be) busy!

Sorry to read about Simba, and please don't stop talking about your garden and pets and family. I love your ideas for self-sufficiency and I've been wondering if we shouldn't be doing something on a smaller scale here. I don't do Instagram but enjoyed looking at your recent pics, especially that mountain of grow bags! :D

Glad you finally got a food delivery and good luck with resetting your eating from next week. Don't push yourself while you are still feeling unwell but cutting down the carbs should help with the bloating. It seems ridiculous that you haven't had your test results yet :(
Morning, so failed miserably over the weekend.
Getting up now and today is DAY 1 πŸ‘†
Day 1 not the best start.

3 slices brown soda toasted with butter anf two eggs scrambled
3km walk with baby Zoe
2 slices ham, 3 cracottes, half avocado, rocket with olive oil, some soup
Square lindt chocolate

Ive just updated my ticker and will do with my stats here. Im 79.1kg now.
Ive told my employer im happy to return to work from tomorrow but working from home. So that will take lots of my polytunnel time from me. Ive have the first batch of all my seeds sown and some have already germinated. Ordered some more seeds last night, organic and open pollinated ones. A local online supplier opened for just one hour so got some. I only had one variety of tomato so now i should have 3