Tipperary will rock 2025

That mini Whispa is just a mini, remember, so it's not going to disrupt your plans.

I really hope you try the parmesan courgette crisps, they do sound scrummy, and you can have unlimited parmesan (whereas i get about a tablespoon lol - jk).
Hi, just stopping by....those courgettes look amazing :D
I see your list of goals a couple of posts up....maybe try to incorporate one or 2 at a time until it sort of becomes a habit? rather than trying to conquer them all at once?

Thanks Zafira, yep they are the ideal plan and each day i have 2 mini goals. Today its no wine and a walk. The wine will be the easy bit, i dont have any. The walk harder as i didnt get up in time this morning and need to go shopping this evening.

I will try the courgettes Susie though i am trying to monitor my cheese. I was out in the polytunnel this morning and two are just perfect to pick as flowers now and stuff. And i have aubergines in the fridge too so could do lots of tempura bit need to find a low carb successful recipe.

Today food plan is smoothie at about 11, not counting the whispa that is giving me 16.5 hours fasting. But i will count it so 14 hours fasting. I have taken some homemade keto chicken goujons out if the freezer for lunch and a tub of soup. I have no idea what the soup is. And will have salad leaves and avocado and grated cucumber with mint for lunch.
Stop making me hungry (and i have homemade pesto).

Fast became 15 hours as only had smoothie at 12.
Checked my brogies and they are 23 cals each with carb of 4.5g. So low carb but not if you eat loads. I like the crunch and they are great if you sprinkle cheese on top and grill. But to be honest, what doesnt taste better with cheese.
Money transferred so can go shopping after work, but NO wine (one for Friday)
Back from shopping. Went to two health food stores and came home with more vitamins, herbal teas and detox juice.
Just had dinner a burger, a fried egg, salad greens, and tempura goats cheese stuffed courgette flower and tempura peppers.
And guess what im drinking, a giant G&T glass with just sparkling water and slices of lime. Just had two of them which is almost a litre.
Going to go for a walk as soon as food settles.
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Im very stiff, my hip, knees, back and shoulders in particular. So decided some stretching was in order. I found a very simple 10 minute stretch on YouTube (by the time I went to write it down i had forgotten the name). It started by sitting on the floor, so I did that and fell over. The rest was OK though, it did push me to stretch and i feel it now. I think twice a day is nearly needed for now.
It’s great that you’ve started stretching, it really helps but I can’t do much, just in bed lol! It’ll get easier every day Tipp x
Good on ya for doing the stretching Tipp, I';m like Charlotte - but dkid tell myself to start doing the inhouse walking vids again - even if just for 5 minutes.
Thanks both, its hard to get the balance between being lazy, pushing yourself and going too far.

So i had my first detox juice last night and a second this morning. Then had nettle tea a few times. Smoothie for breakfast at 11am.and now lunch. Put some chicken thighs in pressure cooker then used them and the stock to make a soup and a thai green curry. Had the curry now and it has lots of broccoli in it, had a brogie with it. Still need something, previously would have been a biscuit or 3 but might just have some greek yogurt or a piece of cheese.

Ooo just remebered i have cheese with ginger and mango, that will be perfect
OMG that cheese sounds amazing! Hope it filled the gap. I hate that feeling when you want to eat something but you're not sure what...

And WTG on the detoxing - i've never tried nettle tea, is it nice?
I only drink herbal tea (and water and good French wine ;)) so the nettle tea is fine for me, not hugely different to green tea to be honest. I like tea weak enough so used the teabag 3 times. I dont like fruit or sweet teas or flower teas. I had my large G&T glass of sparkling water again with dinner, this time as well as lime slices I also added ginger and it was really nice. Dinner became a burger and a rasher, then tempura veg of cauliflower, pepper rings and aubergine. It was lovely. I had two squares of dark chocolate too.
Went for a walk at 8pm, i was iffy about it as it was raining on and off. But i had written it down as a mini goal today along with stretching and no wine. And i didnt want to fail at the walk as was still considering a glass of wine. I decided 2km would be fine and only 100m from the house the rain started but i kept going and it blew over. Coming up to the midway point i decided to go another bit and do 2.5km. Then as i was about to turn around I saw a rainbow and decided that was a sign and kept going to the end of the road before turning so ended up withn3km done.
Then when i came back i added my detox drops to warm water and took them out to the tunnel snd sat for an hour listening to a crime podcast.
Tired out now.
Up late this morning, didnt properly wake till 8am which is when im supposed to start work. Ran down the stairs and think it was about 8.13 when i logged on. Then i sneaked off to my 10 minute stretch and glad i did. Had my detox drops and now drinking nettle tea. Unofficial weigh in shows i have lost a bit every day this week. Today will be the hardest day and tomorrow is official weigh in.
Smoothie made and plan is to have it at 11ish. Then i have soup made a the curry, one will be lunch and one dinner.
Mini goals are morning yoga (done), no wine and a walk.
Have a great day all
Thanks, only on day 4 but trying hard.

Just had lunch, a like a selection of foods and hot and cold. So had a bowl of yesterdays homemade chicken soup, then salad greens with a fried egg on top, cheese, ham and a brogie. Followed by a square of dark chocolate.

Not sure about a walk today as it is very windy, and a glass of red wine by the fire is looking very inviting
That does sound nice - i'd have a glass if I had any in the house :)

Bad me, not only did i have a glass of wine but i had the bottleπŸ˜’
And i was doing so well.
I did go for a walk, only 2km. Then came back and put on Netflix to watch ths last 3 episodes of Salvation, i forgot i still had them. Made dinner, decided not to go with the curry as i wanted something with more texture. So put salad leaves in a bowl, some cooked warm sausages and white pudding, grilled courgette and halloumi and drizzled with my whizzed basil garlic and olive oil. It was really tasty. I didnt have wine with it, just my sparkling water with ginger and lime. Then had the wine while watching tv. Then son came in with fresh sourdough bread made locally so had 2 slices of that with butter which led to the second glass of wine and before you know it ths bottle was gone and season 2 of Salvation ends with a twist i didnt see coming. Then i also had half if a square of coffee cake.
Confession over. I think the best thing to do is treat it as my Friday night and stay restrained tonight.