Tipperary will rock 2025

The dress actually fits, it just looks cheap and nasty. I must photogrsph it and do one of those comparison photos.
Stuff from China is always a bit hit and miss. I'm desperate for some new jeans. I ordered some from river island and they looked bad so I sent them back. I need to try them on really. Are changing rooms open yet?
Morning all, well been off plan for a few days now. Im all over the place. We managed to have a barbecue in the garden yesterday. Well we actually cooked in the kitchen and ate in the garden sitting under blankets with the chimenia lighting. The little kids love being outside.
I did another table setting yesterday, the family are all getting involved now and are a critic panel. Ive said its a bit like putting up new Christmas decorations every weekend and sometimes i get to sew too.
Morning all, well as you have probably guessed I have fallen totally off the wagon😒. I just couldn't get my mojo together and have been eating all over the place. Well not actually eating huge amounts of food, just the wrong foods. Bread and chocolate have been the biggest culprits and wine. The weather has been so good that a lot of alfresco eating and white or rose wine in the garden. Work also involved cake as a few people left (including my "boss" , not my manager but the person I am admin for, my manager has already left, we are a riderless ship).
ANYWAY, I know what I did, I know I choose to do it, I know it was my fault and I know it's only me that can fix it. Weigh in and not surprisingly weight it way up. I partially got back on track yesterday, food was good but then had chocolate. And I didn't have enough water.
Anyway, as usual you know I will probably be back in here a few times today to keep me motivated. Off to catch up with the rest of you and see how everyone is going.
I did get some gardening done over the weekend and another new table setting on Saturday.
I have a long weekend this week, or a short working week. It's the May bank holiday on Monday and I also have Thursday and Friday off, so a mini holiday. Lots of time for gardening and sewing and playing with the kids. We also have 2 birthdays so I need to be food prepared so it's not just burnt burgers in the garden and lots of bread.
New table setting

I love those colourful placemats ♥️

Welcome back Tipperary.

It's a lifelong journey, you'll get properly back on track now I'm sure :)
Beautiful pictures! Nobody ever needs to get where they're going quickly, sometimes you have to stop and appreciate the view. Not sure where I have got that quote from, I am quite sure I did not make it up :D
Thanks, I seem to do well for about 3 weeks at a time and then just fall. It's a combination of boredom, motivation and organisation. Anyway, only a 3 day week at work this week so should be more meal orientated and more active at home.
Covid numbers in our town have skyrocketed this week (we have had very little so far but that ended with a teenage birthday party) and we have some staff absent from work so I am glad to be out of the office.
The table setting looks amazing and I too love the tablemats, gorgeous colours.

How much in love are you with low carb eating, Tipp? Maybe something like SW, which lets you have wine, bread and chocolate, might be more your thing for a while? Of course, the idea of SW or similar might send you running for the olive oil bottle lol, but just thought I'd suggest it x
I'm mostly ok with low carb and when I do it it does work for me. I'm definitely eating a lot less than I did and I don't get sugar highs or hunger slumps at all. In fact I rarely get hungry. It's more if I don't have the right food already organized that I slip. And that would be the same whatever plan I'm on.
Welcome back to the shrinking path!
Morning, well food wise yesterday was good. Breaded chicken, avocado and rocket for lunch at work at 12.30 and chicken burger with green beans for dinner at about 6.30pm. Two digestives at work at 4pm.But I had wine and Easter egg after dinner.i need to write a list and go proper shopping with a plan. My shopping problem lately is I had been doing it at lunchtime while at work so couldn't by frozen food and temperature susceptible fresh food as it was left in the car until I got home at 6pm. I'm off to the next 5 days, well from tomorrow, so will do a big shop then and batch cook and freeze.
It might take a few days but I will get my mojo back
That's a good plan, Tip.
have you tried using click and collect Tipp? you could have it all planned and booked then pick it up on your way home from work. I use our tesco most weeks this way. It works pretty well and I'm never kept waiting more than 10 mins. Off course I'm a bit of a lazy shopper I don't really like browsing in supermarkets lol.
Morning all, back again after a long weekend off. And a lot of it was spent in the garden eating and drinking. We had 2 birthdays to celebrate, with covid restrictions there is very little else we can do. We can now go 20km instead of 5km but that still doesn't bring us anywhere so really now change for us.
Covid-19 has had a huge outbreak here, my soon has been tested 3 times over the weekend. Thankfully the first 2 negative and really hoping today's is negative too. But as he hasn't actually been in the house since Friday we are not counted as close contacts. I hope he is okay as he is a heavy smoker and never does well with chest problems. He is currently camped in his girlfriends sitting room looking after her as she is sick.
No idea where my weight is at and not stepping on a scale for a day or two🙄