Tipperary will rock 2025

Hi Tippy, big hugs to you for worrying about where I've been ((X)) thank you.
I hate it when something that has so many memories is lost and I dearly hope that karma returns it to you.
Your job application forms sound mind boggling and very frazzling..hope they're successful in getting short listed and you get a job offer.
Have to go out but will post some recipe ideas for your Dad, hope you're Mam is doing well X
Thanks all. Well having a fried egg and toast with butter and then have had to cancel the rest of today and need to get waders on and out to garden. Heavy rain overnight has caused our stream to raise up 6 feet and burst. Water is getting close to the house and the road outside is flooded and impassible.
Has to rescue the hens from the hen house, the water is running through it. Need to find the kittens now and this n check water levels at neighbours before I start moving it from here...can't flood them in order to save it from us
Atmosphere in the house is very bad, like everything bad that happens husband is blaming it on me. The stream runs under a bridge under the road. I have a grate across this to stop the ducks getting washed away. Its normally fine and once a year we clear it out but of course its my fault for putting it there, not the massive amount of rain we have.
Have water running well across the road now. House is safe but hopefully no more rain. Two bridges close are flooded, one is about to break the wall and another has two cars stuck there, each only 1.5km away. Localised flooding worst in 40 years....but OH still blaming me of course. Septic tank flooded so no working toilets. Hens now safe.
Hopefully no more rain, I heard heavy rain but didn't realise how much, stream has gone from 50cm to 3m....very dangerous
Just popping in for a quick hello and ti say all is safe here. Stream still very high but no longer running across the road or a danger to the house. Having a bad week all round and have been on eating all over the place. Will make an effort to get back on track today.
Oh my goodness Tippy:eek: hope everything's ok your way and you've not had more rain..sounds dreadful.
Clip darling husband over the ear on your way past to mop up the mess:D x
Morning all, really not having a good week at all. Flood has gone, to be honest it was only a minor distraction in a bad week.

Mam is very ill now and will need constant care. I live far away and it looks like I will need to spend 2 days a week with her. Very selfishly I don't want to do this more because Dad is a very difficult man to be near most of the time and best to to see him in short doses. I purposely left home at 16 and while I love both of my parents I delibrately set up my own life and family away from them.

We also have a huge amount of cr@p to deal with ourselves right now. 3 live in our house and all three were self employed, husband and son both had what seemed like minor accidents but put them out of work for a long time and mortgage repayments weren't made. We actually have mortgages on two houses, a small cottage that we lived in for 14 years and a new house we built. Property crash happened and we couldn't sell the cottage. Daughter moved into it but too late to save it and bank repossed it a few months ago and sold it. Daughter will be homeless by Xmas and moving in with us...not my idea but I won't see her homeless. I almost felt relieved that house was gone but the value had dropped so much that this week we were issued with a summons for the remainder of the debt and have to appear in court...we have nothing to give.

We had arrears on the house we live in but had been speaking to the bank the whole time about rescheduling payments and understood we were negotiating, then solicitor action starting arriving. The bank said it was just going to through its process which would cease when we had reached an agreement. Well we have a formal agreement in place with the bank now and they are happy but we have just been informed that their solicitors haven't ceased action and we still have to appear in court over it.

Understandably I am getting totally overwhelmed by everything and haven't slept in a week. I understand these processes have to be gone though but I just wish it were over and we knew the outcome.

I don't know where my mind has been all week and can't focus. I'm off for acupuncture on Wednesday, she normally settles my mind and body.

We now have nothing planned for my birthday and can't make any plans until we know legally/financially were we stand and also how stable Mams health is.

Our household of 3 will be a household of 6 soon and I really need to get a properly paid full time job, it's the only thing that will keep the bank and a judge happy.

It was a week of chocolate, cake, bacon, cheese and wine so I'm afraid of the scale.

OK ...pity party over and let's get this week started.
OMG Tipp what a huge amount of awful stuff to be dealing with, you poor love, wish I was there to give you a big hug!

The important thing to focus on is your mum. I loved my mum dearly but had the exact same relationship with my dad as you do with yours. When Mum got sick with cancer I went back to NZ and nursed her - and I would do it all over again, if I could. There were awful times when Dad and I nearly came to blows, but I kept focusing on Mum and her needs - and we got through it.

Re the financial stuff, I really understand how deeply worrying that can be, but as you say, the cottage is gone, and the court appearance will hopefully be more of a formality than anything else. I'm sure once they hear how hard you're working to get things back on a firm footing, they will want to work things out for you.

Big hugs sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Susie, I wasn't trying to dump my garbage on anyone but needed to get it out of my system. I have a lot of running around to do this week but will try to keep on track with food if not exercise. I had really focussed on getting fabulous for my birthday and as it seems to be by coming a non event I sort of felt why bother.
Cleaning the kitchen now and making some bread and maybe soup. Then I need to sit and tackle that 26 page application form....getting a public service job will really play in our favour in court.

Eating sensibly but using up what we have this week rather than buying extra healthy
Today's soup...I'm not making any claims to calories or nutritional content....just the taste which is amazing.

Thai green veg curry soup

Thai green curry paste

Cooked for 5 minutes in pressure cooker
Then added
Frozen peas
Pack chopped konjac noodles
Tin coconut milk

Checked consistency (I added more water) and reaheated gently.
Tastes divine
Ah Tippy, I too wish I was there to hug you ((X)) and definitely spill your worries on here, I certainly do and it always helps to get it out of your system. I know how stressful it is worrying about a repossession but as you've come to an agreement you should be ok. I've been in the same situation as you a while back, came to an agreement but the wheels had already been put in motion so I had to appear in court..nightmare! Seemingly it's a formality once started or so they said and the judge said I shouldn't have been there so everything was alright. It's a huge worry when it's your home and especially when your Mam is so ill. When you find your Dad getting a bit difficult just come on here and get it all out..your virtual sisters are here for you..love Tibbs X
Thanks all. We have two repossession orders, we assume our own house will be safe. That's the one we have the agreement on and that is listed for court before Xmas. The second one us the issue, they have already taken and sold the house but for much less than the value of the debt so are sueing us for the rest..
As i said its dragged on so long now I just need it to be over one way or another. Because of the uncertainty we haven't been planning anything, I.haven't even done the garden or bulk cooking...just haven't got the heart for forward planning.

Anyway, finally got some sleep last night and hopefully by the end of the week will have pulled myself out of this slump. Though the weathers not helping, its miserable and grey too.

Food wise not too bad yesterday and as well as soup I made some wholemeal bread with poppy and sunflowers seeds. Sliced it on electric slicer and its all in the freezer to take our a slice as I need.

I haven't been making my smoothies this week which means I haven't been getting all my extra supplements, I need to sort that out this week.

Happy Tuesday everyone
Disaster...settled down for for breakfast (porridge, pear, cacao, flax seed) and my morning guilty pleasure of Matt Brown on Alaskan Bush People.....and its not on:eek:. Instead its The Kilchers on Alaska, the last Frontier...how dare Discovery do this to me.
Hi Tipps, I am sneaking back in and catching up, just reading up on your diary, firstly sorry to hear you are going through all these struggles, as Susie says, its good to dump and its even better to dump on people who are pretty anonymous and faceless and not involved in your situation. Its good to get it all out - I really hope it all gets resolved.

I see you are trying out Veganism, well done you - it is an amazing way of life, I dabbled with it (this is why Minis took a back seat, I became obsessed with Vegans posting on You Tube in my spare time) - but I find it so hard to sustain, especially in this country, US have really started to embrace it, but I find UK still think you are weird for being vegan....we are a little behind. I also found I was surviving on Vegan Burritos - very windy :whistle: Also, the thing that made me fall off the wagon was milk, I couldn't find a non-dairy replacement and i tried tons. I don't know if you know of them already, but have you heard of The Happy Pear? Twins from Ireland, they have their own YT channel and a grocery store in Ireland. They are so sweet, positive and infectious (and handsome ;)). Another fave of mine is Fat Vegan, she is great. And also High Carb Hannah. Check them out if you haven't already.

Thanks Charley, yep I know about the happy pear, thanks. I don't like milk anyway and never use it so that hasn't been an issue. Eggs are a problem to me, I love scrambled eggs on toast and eggs are used in so many baked goods, sweet and savoury.