Morning, just about to get up and go out. Head buzzing though as got to visit all my family yesterday evening before finally settling down at Dads.
Went for a 7am swim then off to work. Smoothie at work at 11am. Then left work about 1pm and headed off. Stopped on motorway for food and had breaded chicken, carrots and cabbage... See i was even in a pizza place and didnt give in to temptation. But i did buy a small bar of lindt choc, it had 5 squares and i had them through the day. Bought sis 1 box giant doughnuts and sis 2 the same. Later bought brother 2 boxes m&s choc treats.
Anyway went to sis 1 first, had tea and caught up on news. They had just had dinner so wolfed the doughnuts down, i resisted.
Went to sis 2 and caught up on how little one is. She seems so sick, it seems so unfair on someone so teeny. Then went to brother, gave them the treats, they opened them and i resisted. Also didnt have the pancakes with cheese offered.
Finally got to Mam and Dads after 9pm and was hungry. I'd bought a chicken rendang in M&S earlier and heated it, i had about 3 bites of it and couldnt eat anymore. It was chewy fatty thigh meat so it ended up in the bin. Dad offerred red wine, i didnt resist and had 2 glasses with him. Id say he needed it, he has no one to sit with usually. Anyway bed at 11.30pm, very late for me and fell asleep immediately. But got to see all 7 nieces and nephews ages 21 to 4 in the one evening. Id say they where happier to see the doughnuts than me.
Must get dressed now and go out. Then ive bought avocado, ham and eggs for breakfast. Trying to get Mam to come out for lunch. She said yes but i know she will find every excuse not to. Will see