Total Solution Tiredness


Full Member
Hey everyone :) wee question day 7 on total solutions tomorrow, I'm feeling so tired no energy to do anything at all, does anyone else experience this? So hard when you have a 16 month old lol
Snap! Will be interested in hearing about this problem...! x
I have been so tired this past week!! And I've a 15 month old :(
I've also seemed to have developed insomnia also :( not good
I made an effort to drink enough yesterday and it does seem to have made a difference as I feel a lot better this morning. Maybe a coincidence but maybe not....! x
Glad ur tiredness is lifting. My mum has just rang me and offered to baby sit my daughter tonight so I can sleep!!! Yippee lol
Well I have been up through the night with a toddler at won't sleep :( so I'm double tired, aw maaaan I need a break lol
For the first 2-3 weeks my sleep had improved overnight, but I still occasionally had nap-attacks where I just *had* to have a sleep after work as I was knackered.

I had one yesterday for the first time in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages, but I had had a very busy weekend at work and hadn't slept well because of it, so I was catching up. I just go with it and feel better for having a snooze, but I'm lucky as no children to mind!

Once your body settles in to the new nutritional regime it does get better.
i fond myself really tired through the day then when it comes to evening i dont want to go to bed!!!! im up by 6 every morning as thats when one of my twins wakes and she just wont go back down, i cant blame kids as the older 2 are at school all day but the whole routine def does take its toll....what i would give for a full nights sleep and a lay in!!!!