Thank you so much, I know I've replied to you all properly individually, but your kind words and advice made me feel so much happier and more positive, and today's been a lot better. Way, way better.
Enter reason number one...
...this is Dave! Last year we lost our elderly tabby cat Gizmo, which was devastating as we'd had her for around sixteen years, and then a few weeks ago we decided we were finally ready for a new cat. So we went to the RSPCA (this is his photo from their website, I didn't take it) and decided to adopt the sweetest, most playful little cat, with a smudge on his nose and a very sad story - I didn't mention it before in case anything went wrong. We had our home check on Monday, and today we were at last able to bring him home! Isn't he adorable?!
Honey the guinea pig is doing a lot better, by the way - it was just a vitamin deficiency, which caused some very worrying symptoms (listlessness, floppy ears, zoned-out periods where she wouldn't respond to anything, and a little internal bleeding), but is easily treatable with a little dietary adjustment. Thank you for your concern though, she sends guinea pig kisses to you all

Today I made the decision to skip breakfast, because I went to a raw chocolate tasting event at the local health food shop, and because raw chocolate doesn't contain all the processed sugar and additives of normal chocolate, just a little is very filling and satisfying. I met some awesome people there and made a couple of friends, and the raw chocolate was delicious - if you're interested, look up Pana Chocolate; in my opinion the best flavors were sour cherry and vanilla, fig and wild orange, and their latest creation, pineapple and ginger, but there are so many more and they're all delicious

(I sound like they've paid me to say this xD I just genuinely loved the brand, and it's so good for satisfying chocolate cravings!). So I had that, and honestly I don't feel guilty, I had about three little tiny cubes in each flavor, truly savored with a cup of delicious coffee, and I made a sacrifice elsewhere in my food plan to enjoy them, rather than desperately shoveling in custard donuts at the end of the day.
Then we come to lunch. And my options were a jam sandwich or instant noodles. That was literally all we had in. So I opted for the jam sandwich, because I figured that at least the wholemeal bread would have
some nutrients in it

This afternoon we went to pick up Dave (


), and let him settle in whilst I went to the supermarket with dad and F to get some actual healthy food; highlights include bran flakes, plain soya yogurt and strawberries (breakfast tomorrow, maybe?). Since then, I've just been working on my website and CV, and popping down to see how Dave's doing every so often. For dinner we had vegan pulled pork burgers, some kale from the garden that is so much more palatable when steamed, and a handful of potato wedges. I didn't quite meet my water goal, and I was closer to 1200 than I was to 1100, but I'm just happy I stayed on track, and I would have been under 1100 if I hadn't had a Nakd bar this evening. I could have gone without it, but I was worried about my lack of fruit and fiber today, and I had enough calories left to eat it and remain under 1200 - worth it for some proper nourishment

Day Nine
N/A (0)
2 Slices of Wholemeal Bread (130)
Sunflower Spread (53)
Raspberry Jam (111)
1 and 1/4 Linda McCartney Pulled Pork Burger (188)
Steamed Kale (36)
Potato Wedges (233)
2 Cups of Coffee (4)
Pana Chocolate (252)
Bakewell Tart Nakd Bar (137)
Total: 1144