day 5 . is it just me dreaming about food ?
well ive made it to day 5 cant believe ive not eaten a thing
im starting to get spurts of energy now then then terrible tiredness
.my belly has gone al wobbly
which must be a good sign
and my mouth tastes horrid no matter how many times i brush my teeth ! looking forward to people noticing the weight loss and allthe lovely compliments that will be coming my way
, although i do miss food being in my mouth and i keep feelin bored like what shall i do now then,i must have spent far to long eating and preparing food and now i got more time on my hands i dont know what to do with it
eating has obviously been my hobby for far to long now,i think it will take a while to get out of the habit of thinking about food and what i can eat next
,at the moment i still feel like im missing out on something but i know from previous experience that it will pass
,my hubby had a take out last night
eek: kebab and chips) and i sat next to him while he ate it and all i did was smell it !!! must be a bloody saint
, but it did make me realise that not having some was not the end of the world
normally i would have eaten till i felt sick so i must be doing something right
,is it only me that is dreaming about food ? i dream i have eaten something and didnt mean to or couldnt resist it then i wake up and im like phew thank god it was just a dream,any ideas on what that means ? anyway look forward to hearing from anyone else that dreams of eating
looking forward to tomorrow xx