...possiblity that you can cause yourself damage ....go ahead I don't care...
Then why are you banging your drum so loudly, when you don't care if we kill ourselves? Is it purely down to the fact that we're losing faster than people you approve of?
You've offered no shred of evidence for any of your sweeping statements - so why should we be listening to you? What information is it that you have that everyone else doesn't?
You come across very badly here - I don't know if it is how you normally come across this badly. It may well be that you don't care who you hurt, that you just want to push people hard and see if they fall over. To be frank, you come across like a bully - one who has picked a subject that they know virtually nothing about, other than any scare stories they're parroting.
I've discovered down the years that the vast majority of opinions, held by the vast majority of people, are based on the scantest evidence, and argued with the passion and belief of an expert. You're most certainly no exception.
I like my body and well for the sake of an extra 6months which is all we are talking about, I am gonna lose the rest of my weight sensibly. So there.
So when you lost OVER 3 stone in 3 months, which is the AVERAGE weightloss for someone on LL, why is your fast weightloss so much better? You could argue that you get better vitamins and minerals but I have no way of knowing if that is truthful - you could be eating 1500 cals worth of donner kebab every day. I'm not going to take you at face value here, because your arguments in this thread have shown that you're willing to "adjust" what you're arguing.
Why did I just picture a spotty teenage girl sticking her tongue out and crossing her arms in defiance? No one here wants you to do a VLCD - if I was on any weight loss programme with you, I know I'd have to switch (assuming your online persona is the same as your offline one).
No one here wants you to fail either, and certainly no one is trying to dissaude you from doing things your way (as unhealthy as losing 3 stone in 3 months is

take care,