I'm not sure there's any of the 'old crowd' out there still interested so this'll probably be the last time I post in this thread ...
Only 1.4lbs off this week ........ "go figure" as our American friends might say ......
So let's find the positives ...... 1/Under a stone to go. 2/3.8lbs to go to be a 'healthy' BMI. 3/I can get into a mini-goal pair of trousers comfortably. 4/I can get my own rings on (bit tight yet but I can get them on). 5/I have NEVER had consistant weight loss like this on any other plan. etc. etc.
Besides this, today my son had to have emergency surgery. As the hospital he is in is closed to everything but A&E admissions because of a virus no-one can go and see him, so we can't get full details.
His husband has only found out that they took his appendix out as they were in there but as they don't give out info over the phone either what the problem was we can't know until he's compus mentis enough to find out for himself and let us know. He came through the operation okay is great! But all we know. This is FAR more frustrating than a measley 1.4lbs and truly puts things in perspective.
Thanks for being there guys! xx