We make our own reward charts with just a piece of A4 paper or card and some sticky or stickers of their choice.
BB, perfect way to get him back in the bath!
As for the in-laws - are you sending food with her or just milk? I cant believe they would just leave her without lunch/tea? Thats crazy!!
Yes I send it with her, it's usually left over dinner. She can eat chicken, fish, spag bol etc now but to them it's easier to just give her a bottle, less mess & effort for them!!!
I manage to give her breakfast & dinner it's just lunch but still I wish they'd listen.
What sort of things can I put on his chart?
I don't want to overload him but I guess I could put on there the swearing, maybe every time he gets in the bath he get's a sticker, also when he puts all his toys away in the evening he could get a sticker!! Am I on the right tracks here?
I do give him loads of praise etc when he does good or draws a picture we stick on the fridge etc. His tantrums have calmed down a lot recently but that was due to jealously over the baby.
Think now is the time to do the chart (he's 3 beginning Dec) but I want to try and sort a few things before he goes to pre-school.
I'm having next week off work so I'm going to see if we can master this potty training...so basically I'll have from Thurs this week to Tues after bank holiday which hopefully will be enough.
I've got 2 little toddler toilets for him and a Thomas the Tank toilet seat, so we'll see how it goes.