Tomato Puree

yes me too. Jim you confusing us. There is another one on tesco that is 7.5g carb per 100 so the 0.5 does seem ok.
LOL, I wasn't intending to confuse, honest.
Nice to know your human Jim!! :D
But I wasn't wrong really was I. :)

The standard puree is high carb.
Ahh Jim dont worry. We have found something good. No one worrys about a little mistake when there is food at stake!
well it does say 0.50g all the others where high carb to be fair, i have not found any with this low carb count (and beleive me i searched everywhere) :) but its definatly 0.50...honest :)
LOL, I believe you sweetheart. Enjoy. :D
LOL, I've looked at lots & they all seem high so the Gia one is heaven sent :)
I've got 2 tubes in my cupboard that I haven't used because of the high carb count so I shall go & buy some off this. Thanks Vicky
Me too hun : ( Had a look in our local one but no luck! :mad:
I think you need a Tesco Max for a lot of stuff, the small local ones don't seem to stock a wide range at all.
I think we are lucky, being near the big city I suppose.
Sainsburys do this one aswell... If you look at the ingredients its 65% sundried tomatoes with sunflower and olive oil, unlike normal tomato puree which is literally just tomatoes, I'm thinking this is what makes it lower in carbs :D
Hope that makes sense, I'm trying to be clever and that doesn't happen much!! haha :clap:
Lol yes it does Kezz hun. Oh just had a thought. Im finishing in Beckenham tonight and they have a 24hr tesco. I think some shopping might have to be done at 3am! Now what did i need to get?
Lol my tesco online says it's not available. The pessimist in me thinks it's probably been recalled beacuse it's labeled with the wrong carb count. :8855: