Last week I treated myself to a shiny new set of bathroom scales. I bought the Salter MiBody 9119 all singing all dancing set. They measure practically everything apart from how many litres I wee'd before I got on them! So this week I have become a bit of a scale hopper

They measure weight, body fat, visceral fat (the fat around your organs) body water, BMI, BMR and muscle mass. I can transfer all the data to the computer via a usb and it gives me all the data and graphs!! Quite impressive. The good thing is that if you are a scale hopper you can get on without looking at the numbers as they are stored automatically. so you only need to look on your offical weigh day but you still get all the data.
Anyway after all that Ive lost 3 lbs this week.

I think Im finally getting over my plateau. If I can just lose at least 2 more lbs before my weigh in at the docs next Monday I'll be happy as it will mean Im well and truly in the 13's on both our scales so I neednt feel despondant any longer. I can go down towards the 12's and my goal of 11 stone hopefully by Christmas.
I do my measurements tomorrow morning (every 2 months) but I know the inches are coming off as I bought a size 14 monsoon dress yesterday. Quite by accident actually. I thought it was a 16 when I tried it on as thats what I am in jeans etc. but it did fit really well. Im still more 16 than 14 but definately getting there. Ive not been a 14/16 since my 20 year old was 1 , which is both sad and exhilarating at the same time.
Well I feel very motiated today. I think I'll make everyone pizza for tea today, Which wont be good for me but I have a Pizza hut Pizzetta in the freezer for such moments.
Ihope you all have a wonderful weekend and dont lose the plot too much