Today has not been great. I have not had anything I should n't have but the thought has crossed my mind. I've been sat here for the last half hour wondering why I can smell cakes baking and its been making my stomach grumble. Then I realised what it was, its my yankee candle that I lit an hour or so ago and forgot about! I'm such a plank at times.
Just had an emotional text from my eldest daughter who is at Uni and tomorrow is weigh in for her, the end of her second week and she had been doing so well till last night when there was a big party with her friends and she ended up eating a chicken sandwich so she could drink but then ended up only having one drink as she felt so guilty, did n't enjoy it at all. Gave her a call and tried to reassure her that she wont have messed every thing up with one day and she is back on track today. She was crying and it makes me feel so guilty cause of all of my kids she is the only one that has followed after me and has a weight problem. All the rest are slim. I always wonder if it is my fault she gained weight, I trace back through her child hood and try to remember when it became clear there was a problem but it must have happened so gradually. She is no where near as heavy as I was at that age. By 19 I was already 24 stone and she is a long way off that. I'm desperate for her to succeed at Exante as I don't want her to go through the pain and suffering I have and still do.
Kids are just sitting down to Tuna and Pasta bake, a meal i like but only now and then so i am not bothered by that at all. I have to laugh when I look at my big kids round the dinner table, they are so unsociable. Jamal is eating with his iPad, Nathaniel has his iPhone and iPad and Adam is typing away on his blackberry. Haydar is trying to watch something on his iPad mini. Leila has her iPhone and the only one sitting and just eating is my baby girl Hana. I ask them to stop but the grunts and groans and moaning are not worth it, teenagers and moody 5 year olds, after a day like today I like to go for a shower, lock the door and spend a little longer than necessary just for the peace. Peace ha a joke, at least 5 out of 7 kids will ask me for something or shout about something. I moan but would not change a thing about them!
why is it at weekends I do less than in the week, my hubby being home from work makes me lazy or just means he is under my feet while I try to do things so I prefer to spend monday having a big clean up than to try to get stuff done. Eeeeeek I've just realised that my 3 big boys break up at the end of the week. Two will be off till September as they are having study leave for their GCSE exams and my eldest son breaks up for two weeks as its the end of the school year for him. I will only have my 5 year old son and 17 year old daughter in school over the next 2 weeks. Bang goes my peace and quiet!
off to clean up now and do the night time routine, will be back later
Alia x