Forgive me Rod for I have sinned - but it was in a good cause

. One of my lovely work colleagues came in this morning and presented me with a home-made chocolate cake with a big "6" candle in it to celebrate me losing 6 stone. Now the last thing I wanted was a chuffin chocolate cake - but 1) I like her, 2) it was a lovely, lovely gesture and 3) she makes cakes that are out of this world - what was a girl to do
So I just had one piece (slimmish - didn't want to look like I didn't want any but not a chunk) and then offered everyone else a big bit. Unfortunately had to bring some home as still some left but Mr Sue will clear that up. I'm deffo not having any more.
So, so much for me having a really tight week on the food after my Sunday chocolate debacle. Oops. Will put some extra swings in with the kettlebells tomorrow night after work!