Tpott's Day 15....Weighing in at 2pm

athanks for the 11 eh. you are going strong keep on going i take my hat off to you well donexx

Thank you lovely June, I must confess I am feeling the urge to eat tonight. I can't be hungry because I am 100% in ketosis and sticking to SS like glue. I think the hungry feeling is all in my head. I will try and keep myself busy and out of the kitchen!
Hope the low carb links are usefull to you. xxx

Thank you June. I am still being good. I just had a nice long soak in the bath. I am just about to pour myself a nice long drink of fizzy water with some flavouring. Lovely Helen popped a jar of sunshine orange through my letter box for me! Then I think I will watch a film and maybe paint my nails? That should keep me out of trouble! :D

Day 12
Well what can I say, I'm still here, still glugging the water and still in the pink zone! Had a real wobble last night, I was really hungry! It's always the evenings that are the worst. I know I am not physically hungry and it's all in my head, but boy oh boy it is really hard. But I have survived last night and I'm on the straight and narrow. I will do my best to ignore the urge to eat and I will keep glugging the water down.
I am in this to win it! I want to be slim and I will be slim.
Have a fantastic day everyone and good luck on your weight loss journeys. We are all in this together. We will win! :D
good girl for not wobbling! keep it up good job your not on a water meter.

Thanks June!
You always know how to make me smile! :D
Today I am drinking mugs of hot water with Sunshine orange fairy dust! After all there are no calories in dust! :8855:
I have had one pack so far today, Spicy tom with and extra twist of pepper and a pinch of dried basil. Tastes rather nice!
Day 12 continued
OMG!!! I am soooooooooooooooo hungry! I can't understand why? I even have hunger pains. I have drunk 4 lt's of water and I have even eaten an extra pack! I tested my wee earlier befor I had the extra pack and for some strange and unfathomable reason I'm not in Ketosis!My hands and feet are warm instead of cold. My stomach is rumbling and I don't understand why? I have not cheated at all I am 100% comitted to CD. The only thing that I can think of is perhaps the flavouring has kicked me out of Ketosis. But I don't see how? I am absolutely starving hungry and not a happy bunny at all!
I will try and stay strong and I will try not to give in to food, but it's going to be a long night!
:( OK rant over....I just needed to get it off my chest and try and stay away from the fridge.
Nighty night!
Tracey, do not give in to this. I am ordering you to go to bed and keep away from food. I am feeling the same so I am off to bed

:hug99::hug99: Pamx

Thank you Pam
I am going straight to bed now! x
Day 13
Well what can I say? I am back in ketosis and my hands and feet are back to being freezing cold! I still do not know why I got kicked out of ketosis last night. I have not cheated, I glugged over 4 lt's of water. I ate all my packs. It's very strange! I definately think it must be the sunshine orange fairy dust! Maybe I drank too much of it? Wierd!!!!!
Well onwards and upwards or is that downwards? :D
I weighed myself this morning on my dodgy scales and according to them I have only lost 1 lb since Tuesday. So I think I will ignore them and wait for my official weigh in on Monday afternoon.
So. How is everybody else getting on?
Have a lovely day everyone!
dont worry remember LL to were never pinky poos.

Thats true June, When I did LL my ketostix never once went pink and I drank bucket loads of water with flavouring. I lost 5stone in 3 months! So maybe I am panicing over nothing? I will keep glugging and hopefully the weight will drop off. Perhaps because I have upped the amount of water I'm drinking, that my wee is rather dialuted? So I'm not going to worry, I'm going to carry on regardless!
Have a fab day June! xx
Well June and Nikkie and Pam! I have not left the loo all afternoon. I am a sick sick sick girl! I feel dreadfull. I do not know whats caused it, but boy oh boy am I poorly. Putting it bluntly I think the entire universe has fallen out of my fat bum today and I think there is more to come! I've had a bit of a funny tummy for a couple of day's but today has been dreadfull...............I am drinking as much water as I can to stay hydrated but I feel really weak in fact has anyone seen a stray steam roller?Because I think it just ran me over! I have absolutely no energy, the only good news is that at least I am getting plenty of excercise running up the stairs! If I was a horse they would shoot me! :sigh:
Got to run.................