Thanks Cici...I can certainly tell you what I has worked well for me

Here are a few ideas that have helped me make it work..
1. Plan your meals in advance, I always know at least three or four days in advance what my meals are going to be. I have found that having meals planned gives me control of the points I am using.
2. Personally, I only eat 26 points per day, I never use my weekly points, and I never use my activity points. I know there is no need to do without anything on WW, but the whole point of WW for me was / is to feel healthy and lose weight. With that in mind I made the concious decision that I would not drink alcohol, eat takeaway food and would limit pasta and bread that I eat.
3. Exercise has really helped. My wife and I both dusted our bikes off and cycle five miles three times per week (even if it is windy and raining !!). I have also bought a running machine, and if I cant go out on the bike, go on the running machine. Distance was built up gradually...any exercise is good...even a brisk walk !!
4. Maximise your points. Fresh vegetables and fresh fruit are zero pointed, and can really prove a filling way of bolstering your meals. As an example, if I am in a hurry I can buy a Morrisons NuMe Roast Chicken dinner which is only 7PP...whack a pile of fresh vegetables on the side, and it is still only 7pp, but much more satisfying.
Breakfast I will always have either a 30g sachet of quakers oat porridge (nice with apple grated into it with cinamon), or two Weetabix biscuits. I use only skimmed milk, and use sweetener instead of sugar.
I also make a large pan of free soup early in the week, and that is my lunch sorted out with either a sandwich made with Hovis small malted bread, or a packet of 2pp crisps (Quavers, french fries, Velvet crunch, M&S Lentil and chili curls etc). I will use fruit lunchtimes also and always have one or two pieces.
Breakfast and dinner I KNOW will only be a total of 6pp, which gives me 20pp to use for my evening meal as I see fit. I will also have a hot drink (Highlights hot choc 1pp) with a biscuit (caxton pink and white mallow wafer 1pp) at about 9pm to tackle any sweet urges I may have works for me !
4. I use a pro point calculator when I go food shopping and point the start it was like I had pointing OCD ! but you soon learn PP values and it doesn't take long to work out what you are eating point wise. I guarantee you will have some shocks at some of the PP's in food that you think are low !
5. Get a big black marker pen, and when you unpack your food shopping at home, take a few seconds to write the PP value on the food label. Speeds things up down the line.
6. Re arrange your shelves in the fridge so that all temptation is removed for impulse eating when you open it. Have your WW bits at eye level. Likewise, make a food cupboard which contains just your WW food items (I always have 2 or 3 boxes of different WW choc bars in my cupboard). I also taped a picture of a 'BIG' me and a picture of a 'SLIM' me onto the fridge door as a food temptation buffer !!
7. Always be sure that you have a WW bar or fruit on you if you are out of the house, that way you have food available if your get hungry - or if others try to tempt you !
8. I track all of my points, I know exactly how many I have used, and how many I have available. It doesn't matter how you track them...paper and pen will do, just know where you are with them.
9. I find meetings very useful, the thought of getting on the scales in front of my leader each week is a great incentive to me (and my wife), but also a useful source of information and advice from both leader and other members.
10. Reward yourself !! before you know it you will be dropping clothes sizes, there is no better feeling ! Each time I have dropped a size (and I have gone from a 38" waist to a 30" waist since September, and XL to Medium / Small tops), I have bagged up my old 'bigger sized' clothes and taken great joy in throwing them into the clothing bank. I have then enjoyed going to the shops and buying nice, smaller sized clothing. Never again will I keep large sized clothes in my wardrobe 'just in case' I need them again in the future. WW is a way of life, not a diet..I will never put my weight on again! Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels...
11. Be ready for workmates and family members to tell you 'you are going to far now'. You are not, they are just jealous that you are doing something that they have no control over. They find it hard to come to terms with you looking better and better, whilst they themselves tread water. It makes them realise that they have their own frailties. I always make a point of telling them that I know what my healthy BMI is, and I am well within it. I then point out that when I was carrying a lot of weight, not once did they come forward and tell me, so why now I am well within my healthy weight range do they feel the need to pass comment ? usually does the trick !
12. We all have bad weeks !! You may not have done anything different to a previous week when you had a good loss, but for whatever reason the weight hasn't shifted as you had planned. Don't worry about is not a race ! If things one week haven't gone as you had hoped, you still need to go and face the music at your meeting. Missing a week is a slippery slope...chances are the following week you will have an even better weight loss !
Hmm..I have gone on a bit there haven't I !! My final tip is work out what works for you, and go with it. The above is what my wife and I have done since 1st September last year, and the pair of us have both had a 50lb plus weight loss each. The plan works, but planning is key !! If you are unsure of anything or have any questions about anything(no matter how silly they seem), please don't hesitate to message me. Chances are I have asked the same questions ! But most importantly..go for is very very achievable