Extra Easy Days Trefoil's Trip To Target!

You're so pretty! Can't wait to see the picture for this year :) x

Oh bless you! Thank you so much :) I'm just hoping that the weather changes it has been hideous here today :( hair frizz weather!!
Hope you've had a good day!

Haven't had much chance to post today as total madness at work.
Cucumber and Red Pepper with Coleslaw (3.5) I also bought some chicken to go with! Boiled eggs x2. Porridge with frozen fruit and honey (HEB + 1) Coffee. 2 Apples and 2 Oranges too!

Oh bless you! Thank you so much :) I'm just hoping that the weather changes it has been hideous here today :( hair frizz weather!!
Hope you've had a good day!

Same here, bit of a shock from the heat and sunshine in Portugal last week! Got the miseries today...be better tomorrow X
Same here, bit of a shock from the heat and sunshine in Portugal last week! Got the miseries today...be better tomorrow X

Oh goodness I can imagine it would be a bit of a shock if you'd been away! Yes I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow :)

On Ruth's mind this evening:
15.5lbs, but do I want to push it further, do I want to?! I said I would think about it when I got closer, which I am now.
I started my proper journey at just under 15 Stones (14 13.5) so I was considering pulling it to 10 13 to even it out as it were as I don't think they'd let me put a half lb in my target weight.
Am I asking too much? That would be 3 Stone 8lbs gone with SW and just over 4 stone overall.
Decisions decisions (I would also weigh less than my OH, just!)

Tough call! All depends how you feel when you get there- sometimes as you get closer to target the last half stone makes all the difference, but if you feel you want to push on then do. If you're not being silly/obsessive with it and not looking gaunt then I don't see the harm. It's difficult to define in a number where you want to be!
Also bear in mind you are quite tall and, from what you've said, busty :eek: so you'll carry it differently too :D X
Tough call! All depends how you feel when you get there- sometimes as you get closer to target the last half stone makes all the difference, but if you feel you want to push on then do. If you're not being silly/obsessive with it and not looking gaunt then I don't see the harm. It's difficult to define in a number where you want to be!
Also bear in mind you are quite tall and, from what you've said, busty :eek: so you'll carry it differently too :D X

I know what you're saying and I was umming and aahing about dropping it another half stone. I have started losing weight on my top half which is extremely odd but I am now more 'evened out' as it were! I could never be gaunt or go OTT I wouldn't be able to keep it off etc.
My minimum joining weight is 9'13 and healthy BMI is 12'6. Just worried that I won't actually get there! I was just trying to round it off to an even number.
I know that I'm nearly there, but my lower stomach isn't... I'm thinking maybe that's fitness though, not scales based?!

Any body part can be fixed with fitness if you have the time to dedicate. It's hard to set a target as I don't think your head matches your body for a while. You are probably in the same mindset as 1 stone again and your head needs to catch up.

A good target weight would be easy to stick to. Not too low that your gaining weight back and having to re lose it.

Your food looks fab!!
Any body part can be fixed with fitness if you have the time to dedicate. It's hard to set a target as I don't think your head matches your body for a while. You are probably in the same mindset as 1 stone again and your head needs to catch up.

A good target weight would be easy to stick to. Not too low that your gaining weight back and having to re lose it.

Your food looks fab!!

Thank you for this, it does make an awful lot of sense. I think I'm going to have to wait a bit longer before I make my mind up although I do secretly know I think that I will probably struggle if I drop another half a stone but then I always thought that around 11 would be perfect!
Yes I also agree regarding the exercise and I figured that would be the case so I can sort that.
I have been waiting to sort of plateau etc to make up my mind for target but it hasn't come yet so I think the decision will be made when I hit 12 stone exactly.

Thanks once again for your help :) hope you had a fab day and well done on your amazing loss!!!

Yesterday I didn't manage to post as much and I was far too tired!
Rest of the Chinese lamb dish I made on Saturday (5) with rice. I also had my last Rolo mousse after tea (4). I had 2 apples and 2 oranges in my bag for work but didn't get to eat the oranges so ate those as well :)
Syns 13.5/105

One of my targets is to weigh less than mr LTL so I can understand that draw. Targets are so personal. I always think I'll know when I get there. Maybe get there and see what you think. It won't be long. :)
One of my targets is to weigh less than mr LTL so I can understand that draw. Targets are so personal. I always think I'll know when I get there. Maybe get there and see what you think. It won't be long. :)

Yes I think you're right. I know I'm not far off and it could be that 11.7 is just right! Yes I'm going to keep waiting :) thank you!
Hope you're ok my dear and enjoying the holidays!!

Funnily enough my target is 11 but last time I adjusted to 11 and a half as I was close to that and it felt fine. I've only set it at 11 this time as a habit!!
That's a really interesting discussion about why and how we set the targets we do. I'm hoping to eventually go below what I've set but i worried if I put it too low to start with it would feel an impossible journey and I'd give up My current target will put me below my OHs weight too and that was a factor.
It's the traditional view we all still hold. Women small men big Grrrrr
It is funny how being lower than our other halves is a sticking point- I've read it loads of times both on here and elsewhere. I think @lickthelid is right and it's a 'traditional' mindset.
My OH is very muscular and therefore heavy but if our weights were similar I'd definitely want to be lower- not sure why!
I remember feeling quite ashamed when my friends OH said what he weighed and I was more than him! He is built like a whippet though.
I do think that what you've all said and that the general argument is very interesting.
I am 3.5" taller than my OH which sort of gives me grounds for extra weight (I think ;) ) but my OH fluctuates between 11 and 11,7 and he looks fine! It's funny though I always felt odd weighing more but surely I should if I'm taller?!
Who knows...
Sticking with 11.7 for now...

Maybe we just want to be picked up and thrown around a bit.

You know, in a "good" way

;) ;)
I do think that what you've all said and that the general argument is very interesting.
I am 3.5" taller than my OH which sort of gives me grounds for extra weight (I think ;) ) but my OH fluctuates between 11 and 11,7 and he looks fine! It's funny though I always felt odd weighing more but surely I should if I'm taller?!
Who knows...
Sticking with 11.7 for now...


How tall are you Ruth?
You might be on to something there @lickthelid ;)
Realistically I hate being picked up when I'm heavy. I worry about injury to the poor soul doing the carrying ha.
At my 21st birthday party (just hit target) I had taken my shoes off and a glass got smashed. OH picked me up to take me to my shoes and I didn't feel bad at all! I think I counted it as a NSV lol