Gold Member
Well done and best if luck to you on the next step towards January
Hello!!! Thank you very much for the kind words @cakegobbler you're very kind
Well done and best if luck to you on the next step towards January
Just catching up on your diary Ruth, congrats on the nomination. Even though someone else stole your glory you can be our woman of the year
Yay center parcs wooo!! We got back yesterday and have 28 days to book next years!![]()
back to longleat this time. Which one are you off to?
How amazing to have doubled your target. Well done my dear. I totally echo the sentiment that it's everyone one on here and the energy that makes it possible! Xx
Hi, I have been totally AWOL Ruth so sat and read back a bit. Will catch up fully later but you are looking amazing and we'll done on woman of year nomination! How have things been? I returned to a class last week (had put on 6lbs in the month I stopped weighing but I've been off plan for about 6/7 weeks I tgibk). I convinced my mum to come along with me this time and have realised I defo need a class. At home was fine for a while but I quickly fell back into old habits! I lost 5.5lbs on first weigh in last night! So fingers crossed I can keep going again. I'm now 1 st 2.5 lbs off in total since I started. I see your nearly at 2stone!! Fab! You must be so proud!
Natalie xx
Oh @lickthelid you've made me go all red!! Thank you very much for your kind words!!
We are going to Whinfell and we are very excited, in fact I have turned into a childgoing to have a spa treatment I think too! I love longleat I used to go there as a child!! Very nice indeed I do hope you had a wonderful time!!
This forum is bloomin amazing, and it's getting busier again which is fab!!! It certainly is all of the wonderful energy and the people, it's almost as if I have people to answer to, therefore less likely to go off track and there's so many support channels!
Hope you've had a good day? Weather here has been shocking and me being the narna that I am forgot my coat...
I have missed you too! Support makes big difference. Think dragging my mum along to class will help keep me going. She has more to lose than me so I wouldn't want to let her down by stopping going. Do you feel different now? I think I let myself fall back into old ways because I wasn't convinced looked any different. But I've reminded myself that quitting isn't gonna help lol. I'm gonna read through your diary for food ideasHello!! Oh my goodness I have missed you!
Thank you so much for the kind words and it is really good to have you back!! Well done on the wonderful loss and I'm glad you joined a group, just before you left before you said you were considering ityou will definitely keep going I'm sure!
It's been gorgeous here so I've done all the holibobs washing
It's definitely improving. My new project is the online image therapy thread so everyone needs to report there on WI day with what went well/ not so well and what we will do moving forwards!
I have missed you too! Support makes big difference. Think dragging my mum along to class will help keep me going. She has more to lose than me so I wouldn't want to let her down by stopping going. Do you feel different now? I think I let myself fall back into old ways because I wasn't convinced looked any different. But I've reminded myself that quitting isn't gonna help lol. I'm gonna read through your diary for food ideas
Natalie xx
Yay birthday treats!!!
Your food looks great, and how annoying he ate your frozen fruit. I get well annoyed with my husband when we do the food shop and he has cookies and Icecream and all sorts, then steals something I was saving for a special meal. Grrrr