Hope you'll be feeling better soon, Val! Wishing you a :new_year:
DS, DDIL and baby granddaughter left todayafter spending 5 days with us - on Sunday I had 20 people here (which included 2 babies and 3 young children) most of whom stayed for the buffet meal. Glad to say there was more than enough food and drink but it's a long time since I've entertained so many! It will take me a day or two to get back to 'normal' - all good intentions for the new year as regards food and fitness!
Hope you'll be up and at it again soon Valerie.
Gourmet jelly beans! How could you bear to part with them. Respect!
have been feeling very sorry for myself but feel a lot better nowhave been back on track this week so am hoping to be in target next week :fingerscrossed: i didn't like not being in control over christmas it made me feel miserable but i still couldn't stop myself
soooo happy to be back on track now long may it last (sure i have said that b4 lol) i hope every ones having a good week xxx
p.s has anyone noticed my avatar i went to bedgebury forest with my grandchildren they now think i'm the coolest nan to climb the wall and go down the other side i certainly would not have been able to do that b4 i lost weight
skinnydawn said:Hi Val x
I wondered if that was you on your avatar! Good for you for getting stuck in lol!
I totally relate to what you said about food and Christmas! I was miserable with the food too...but you kinda HAVE to keep shovelling it down you don't you???
And I feel like a different person now I'm back on plan! You obviously feel the same way! I'm sure it WILL last hunni...you sound really motivated to me xxx
Yoyo dieter said:Glad to hear your back on track. My first week has been very focused and I'm feeling determined. I'm hungry (even tho I shouldn't be) but staying on track. I ate loads over Xmas and new year but managed to go running every other day. New years resolution is to focus on body magic! Was a bit disappointed to go to WI yesterday and find their scales suggest I'm 2lb heavier than home scales. Booooo!
Have decided i need to go back to basics (again) i need to get back into target..... On the plus side i was watching a video of myself filmed in 1999 i was 16 stone i look really huge in it my kids thought it was hilarious have to say i felt a lot better about myself afterwards ?
Hi Val
What was over the other side of the wall?? No way I would climb that unless there was a Twix or two awaiting me.
Pomooky XXX