Yeah! School holidays for me, two weeks off, with one week away on holiday.
However, being off work is being a bit harder than I thought and all because of TOAST!!!!!! :gimi:
Toast is my absolute favourite food. I'd live on the stuff if I lived by myself. In fact, a couple of years ago when I was visiting the docotr he asked me what my job was. When I told him, he asked me how I coped with the stress. My answer was "Look at me, what do you think i do. I go home and abuse the toaster!"
Since I've been on LT, I've managed to resist the temptation of the toaster by not being in the kitchen for long in the morning, and taking the dog for a walk when the boys are making their breakfast. Then once I get to work I'm so busy, the temptation diminshes
But of course, today there's no work to distract me and the toaster is calling me! How can an inanimate piece of metal know my name and be able to call me through three closed doors!!!! so, I'm on here early in the morning, reading other peoples stories in an attemt over ride the urges. I don't know, if this doesn't stop I might have to go and do some actual housework in an effort to keep myself busy!!!!! But then, if I did that I might cause my hubby to drop dead with shock when he comes in from work (and that would be a shame one day before his 50th birthday)
Think I might just go shopping instead.