I survived my personal training session. He was very easy on me, because August was the last session I had with him - not October, so again just getting the hang of everything again. By the end of the session I had only burnt 380cals, so I walked/jogged for 2km on the treadmill took 17mins and did 1 set of reverse curls.
The training session consisted of some cardio: Jumping jacks, sprinting on the spot, power jacks, using the step platform and some side to side jumpy things.
Resistance: Squat thrusts, lateral raises, bicep curls, dead lifts, walking lunges, one leg knee bends thing with a chair, tricep dips, crunches on swiss ball and plank.
Also did a little sparring. If I think of what else I did I'll edit post later. Mainly 1 set of 15 reps.
Calorie burn for the hour and a half 564cals.