Try Again

I got up and went for it, unfortunately a bit too much and I've ended up on crutches.
I was over zealous with the exercising and I've made an existing knee problem a whole lot worse. It'd be so easy for me to hit the junk food binges but I've resisted.........for now.
Looks like ull b doing some upper exercises so, don't atop exercising just do upper body. As for the binging, we all want to do that but why feel worse than u do?
I won't be stopping the exercise, I'll be doing more. On the wii I can actually do a lot further distances on the jogging/fitness trail programmes with the crutches than I could without them, the skipping's easier too. Every cloud has a silver lining.
I'm hobbling along, I'm in better condition than my garden furniture. Diet's a bit yo-yo though
How long are you going to be on crutches? You must be very fed up with it. Can you do any arm/upper body stuff (not lifting pies). At least you can sit on your garden bench and look at your future project.

My garden plants are going mad and looking very good - I feel sorry for them 'cos apparently there's a big temperature drop coming on Saturday. I hope you manage to hobble around a bit and resist those offers in the supermarket! No HOT pies for you FMS - they're too expensive!

Po :)
How long are you going to be on crutches?

I asked and didn't get an answer. They're not too bad to be honest, I'm only using 'em for support doing certain wii exercises or any distance walking. I've started the garden, 4 hours giving all my furniture a coat of treatment but looks like at least another 2 required then there's decking and fences before I get to the actual gardening. I'm gonna have to find a pie baking woman who can handle a brush, a spade and a mower.

Supermarket's no problem, I can fly round with the trolley, and fill it with cold pies to save vat ;) I'm fed up of Quorn, and I've 4 bags still in the freezer.
FMS - You are doing really well - still exercising, sorting our the garden and on crutches!! Methinks you are asking too much for a gardening, pie baking woman though - you will have to buy Nigella's cookbook and get handy with the shortcrust pastry. All that rolling and mixing will help you no end and save you lots of VAT.

Po :)
I can manage to get around the garden without them, and funnily enough rolling and mixing does spring to mind when I watch Nigella on tv
I can manage to get around the garden without them, and funnily enough rolling and mixing does spring to mind when I watch Nigella on tv

have you considered something like the Cambridge Diet/Exante etc? Maybe being able to lose 2 or 3 stone that way (and not being allowed food) would help. Being completely weaned off rubbish food might allow you the time to assess your problems with binge eating

Abi xx
have you considered something like the Cambridge Diet/Exante etc? Maybe being able to lose 2 or 3 stone that way (and not being allowed food) would help. Being completely weaned off rubbish food might allow you the time to assess your problems with binge eating

I've never followed/tried an established diet/diet plan. When I'm motivated I usually only eat 5% fat or less foods and exercise daily and can consistently lose a minimum of 2lb a week. Last year I was prescribed Xenical and anti depressants. The Xenical I never took and returned to the pharmacist because I didn't fancy the side effects, the antis I tried a month, didn't feel any different so stopped those as well, besides I think the occasional binge fest is better than being on those. That's just me personally, both things may well be of benefit to others. I'm not a compulsive junk food eater, only when I'm feeling lonely and sorry for myself.
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Well today's the 1st of April and I'm the fool. I went to Boots to have a proper weigh for once and I'm 18st 9lbs...118.5kgs, I've either piled it on or the Wii boards not being weighing correct. It's 2 weeks since I weighed so it's probably me.

I'm practically back at the point when I visited the doctors last year and was 119kg and a stone heavier than when I joined MiniMins. Drastic measures are called for so instead of sulking and bingeing I intend to lose a minimum of 1 stone this month.

This weigh in has devastated me but hopefully it can be a motivational wake up call.
FMS - I'm sure you'll do it, just don't go mad again with the exercise. Try not to weigh until next weekend. And don't get too drastic with the drastic measures!

Po :)
Hi Po, I'm going to be more drastic than Professor Drastic, head of Drasticness at the University of Drastic Measures.

I'll be honest, this weigh in has gutted me a bit :(
Look back on everything you have achieved FMS - don't feel gutted, feel proud that you are capable of losing so much weight AND just to prove it, you are going to do it again. For the last time. Forget the degree in drasticness - you will only rebel and you'll be back after those special offers again cos you won't be able to keep it going. Do something sensible, that you can keep going like you did before. 2lbs a week sounds good.

Po :)
Today was going to be 2 exercise sessions and healthy eating. Knee playing up put a stop to the exercise plan, eating wise I have consumed 448 calories in food plus whatever calories semi skimmed milk in coffees. May have some cereal later, may not.