Trying calorie counting! 90lbs to loose!

He makes a good chicken kebab so that's relatively healthy anyway... I'm working up to getting him to put a diet a Curry using stuff either from slimming world or f&h list on the menu ;)

Mmm sounds yummy, I have only ever had doner meat before, he he you would be able to eat there as often as you want then :)

I am hungry now lol x
Thanks patsy I will... I better start getting ready though I can't remember the last time I went on a night out... Way before I moved so god knows of I've even unpacked any nice clothes haha
I will do... Quick question though as I've not worn this much make up in ages and not wore eyelashes in YEARS... Is this too much? (Excuse the hair turban lol my fringe is straight but the rest is curly and I nd to leave it up to dry lol!


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Loving the lashes!! You look awesome.

I'm from Hamilton! haha. I escaped to Dundee for 7 years but been back here for 2 now. Hardly ever drink out here now but did end up in The Palace a few months ago which was interesting lol.

Enjoy your night out x
Thanks everyone... I had a fab night and I had a few for you patsy lol the had is sore today! I don't think the sweeper came by this morning but someone pressed my buzzer and woke me up at 11am and I've been dozing on and off... Had to go and get a new tyre and came home with a curry oops lol!

I bumped into Andrew though... He was in the pub when I got there and he left about two minutes later ? think i scared him away!

Last Amalthea I'm from glasgow but I'm at uws so moved closer... We went to the quarry the. The Windsor then .... The palace- well only allstars the over 25 but but that was bad enough lol!
I'm at UWS too.. well, I have a resit placement to do in September then hopefully I'll be a primary teacher *fingers crossed*

Sounds like a good wee night. I was out last night and my friends ended up in The Palace but I jumped in a taxi home - can't face that place stone cold sober haha.

Ohh I've got two years to go till I'm a mental health nurse- hopefully! It sounded quite noisyast night... Just as I was falling asleep the f&h at hemmingwqys started a "here we, here we...." Chant lol! I have to say I was pretty pissed by the time I got to the palace so it was quite good... We just went to allstars not the actual palace! X