Week 6: 7th - 13th Mar
(Weight: 11st 4lb 3/4, gain 1/2)
Breakfast: Bacon, beans, scrambled egg with mushroom and onion. Grapes, banana, plum.
Dinner: Entire pineapple - oops!
Tea: SW chicken (bread, garlic, chilli, paprika, other spices, egg), SW chips (potato and carrot), and beans. 2 rice crispie cakes with mini eggs (8 syns)
Snacks: 250 ml milk. Banana + 50g low fat custard (3 syns) 1 rice crispie cake with mini egg (4 syns)
SYNS: 15
Exercise: None
Breakfast: Grapes, plums, kiwi and banana. Red apple. Toffe muller light.
Dinner: 58g wholemeal roll, tuna, sweetcorn and light mayo (1.5 tbsp - 4.5 syns), tomatoes, cucumber and mushroom.
Tea: Steak with spinach and cottage cheese cannelloni with passata. Vanilla muller light.
Snacks: Tuna mayo with sweetcorn and cherry tomatoes. 2 rice crispie cakes with mini eggs (8 syns) 250 ml milk
SYNS: 12.5
Exercise: None
Breakfast: Bacon, beans, 2 fried eggs (2 syns), tomatoes, mushroom, onion. Vanilla muller light.
Dinner: Grapes, plums, kiwi
Tea: Pizza (3 syns) chopped tomatoes with herbs, cottage cheese and spinach, Babybel, peppers, mushroom, onion, ham, pineapple (made two separate ones and went 1/2 each)
Snacks: Southern comfort 35ml (5.5 syns) with diet coke. Lemon muffin (4.5 syns)
SYNS: 15
Exercise: None
Breakfast: Chocolate weetabix (2 syns) with 250ml green milk. 3 plums.
Dinner: Minestrone mugshot. 3 plums.
Tea: Chicken, onion, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, Pasta & Sauce tomato, onion and herb
Snacks: 568ml Magners (10.5 syns)
SYNS: 12.5
Exercise: None
Breakfast: Brew (1 syn) Eggs scrambled with onion and mushroom in. 1/4 watermelon

Exercise: None