thanks everyone. Well yesterday I let myself eat what I want - which was lots of veg and special K freak that I am lol Today I am sticking to 1000 as much as I can, slightly over but with good food, as felt bloated as all hell yesterday so I'm thinking it won't be a bad idea to build in slowly.
Today so far has been porridge shake and a banana for breakfast, 1/2 a pot of cottage cheese with a plate of lettuce leaves for lunch followed by a chocolate shake and dinner is going to be fish stir fry with roasted butternut squash, courgette, onion, aubergine and I'm going to try roasting some beetroot to see what happens. I'm wondering if I ought to add in something like some egg noodles in there but to be honest I'd rather eat more veg than have the pasta or potatoes that the plan says I should eat so I'm going to do that.
Leeds I'm with you on the apples - craved them like crazy last time and craved them like crazy again this time. Very odd as I don't usually eat that many - it was awesome to eat one yesterday though and will be having one for pudding tonight too.
Other than that I have spent today trying to save one of my goldfish! My red cap oranda started floating at the top of the tank last night and struggling to breathe so thinking he was going to die I separated him out into a bucket of clean water last night and was amazed that he was still alive this morning. I put him back in the tank for a bit while I had to go out to see how he did and he was still alive when I got back. So while I was out I bought another tank that is now in my kitchen and I've separated him into it and treated it with stuff for swim bladder. He's seriously struggling though poor thing - barely breathing and not able to swim at all. If I could just get him to eat a bit of pea then I know it would probably sort him out but it sinks to the bottom and he can't get down there. I've tried holding it by him to get him to eat it but he's showing no interest at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the medication in there will help him perk up and if he survives it I'll let him keep the tank to himself - although he will prove to be the most expensive damn goldfish in the history of mankind as he only cost me £3.50 and yet the new tank just cost me £30 in an attempt to keep him alive hahahahahaha
Then this afternoon I have been to homebase with their 10% off day and spent another £40 on various plants, pots, compost and little things to stick in the pot to tell me what's growing. I now have an old toilet cistern top (long story) filled with compost with 2 butternut squash plants and about 4 little carrot plants. Then I have 2 pots filled with 4 or so beetroot plants in each, 2 little pots with 2 little salad onion plants in each and a long trug with lettuce and pak choi. I also have a little herb pot I've put in the kitchen with some parsley seeds in it. I have no idea if anything will grow but I'm ridiculously excited at the idea of growing my own veg and just stepping out of my back door to pull off a few lettuce leaves and pull up a beetroot whenever I want. Whether the reality will be the same as the dream I have no idea hahahahahaha
I've also ordered the Ration Diet Book yesterday and I'm really looking forward to getting some ideas for good old fashioned traditional meals. I'm kind of fed up with trying to make fancy foods or eating diet foods etc and not really losing any weight and spending a fortune on fancy ingredients. My nan mentioned that all the organic healthy diet recommendations now are what they just used to call "food" and was talking about how healthy everyone was on rationing during the war with just basic foods and it put the idea in my head. So I am starting this whole new lifestyle of trying to grow some of my own food and going back to basics in what I eat. If it all works then I have a friend who just bought a house with a huge veg patch - as in HUGE and he's told me if I maintain it he's happy for me to grow stuff in there and I'm very tempted. Great exercise and my own allotment without costing me any money - depends on how much time it takes to maintain it but I have pictures of growing little pumpkins and potatoes and leeks and broccolli etc The pots are my own mini-version of it to see how I get on and whether I have the patience to put the time in. We'll see how it goes