Well the weekend, food wise, has been pretty bad
Im talking chocolate, fatty fryups, kebab, the works
So im now on a mission to turn it around before Thursday, lol. Fingers crossed!!
Ooo I bought my wedding dress on Saturday
eeeek!! Its a little on the tight side, so I need to get back on track for that!! Its at my mums house at the moment, and im going to go try it on again after Iv lost another half a stone, so I want it quicker than ever!!!
We also paid deposit on teh venue and was talking plans with the planner person last night, and im soooo exicted!!! Im sure she thought I was crazy with how excited I kept getting over little daft things, lol.
Anyway....back to the diary....
Breakfast = 35g All bran (HEB) with SS milk (HEA).
Snacks =
Lunch = Vegetable couscous,
peas and ham (can't you tell we're a bit skint...roll on pay day, lol), followed by
Snacks = Ham slices,
Dinner = Planning on prawn stir-fry