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It's Want2beMe.....her eloquence gets us all going
Want2bMe! said:Never say never! There could be a miracle breakthrough cream invented yet! Surely if I believe it hard enough sheer force of will makes it come true!
oliverstjohn said:Hi Want2beMe,
I do so enjoy your posts!
When I tell you my stats I know you are going to be even more suspicious of my nickname and gender!
I am a fraction of an inch under 6 feet and when I weighed myself last Saturday I was 220lbs...... Weigh in this Saturday read 214lbs!
I think that makes my BMI 29 at the moment- I am hoping to get to 180lbs which I know is not sylph-like but when you are built like a west of Ireland farmer like me that is all one can hope for! ( I realise by now you are extremely suspicious and I should end my post now and throw away my shovel.....anymore digging and you will have me banned)
Seriously though....I am female....honestly....I have 2 strapping sons to prove it!
Look forward to reading more from you.
oliverstjohn said:ps Happy Anniversary tomorrow and Congratulations on having the courage to grab life by the throat!
norwegian girl said:What great postings, these had me in stitches laughing - THANK you so much x
DustQueen said:Happy anniversary x and here's to the next step in your new life x
oliverstjohn said:Hi Want2beMe,
I am indeed a proud Irishwoman, what's more I am a proud West of Ireland woman- This probably accounts for my amazonian stature!
How is your day going? I have just posted on my own thread that I am absolutely starving today and imbibed in a few extra collations today! I reckon it must be a 'growth spurt' ( at 39!).
You are 'ar deoraíocht' in London I gather? How is that going for you? I adore London.....great choice of city and it sounds like you are making a success of your life-change. Hope you don't mind me being nosey but are you in journalism or publishing? You have such a way with words that I hope you are...... I am a teacher ( I'm afraid, nothing too glamorous or exciting). But I suppose somebody has to get you young highfliers ready to fly the mother nest- that seems to be the role of education in Ireland at the moment- preparation for emigration....alas!
Looking forward to reading more from you.
Busybusy said:hey good look, gonna join you me thinks tommorow. x
oliverstjohn said:There will be no Jackeen vs Culchie war in cyberspace! Temporary amnesty whilst we are waging war with our weight- how is that for alliteration!
Seriously though, you are doing fabulously well. Congratulations on resisiting the charms of Sainsbury's, glad I don't have one here- miles from anywhere!
Your recruitment website is very lucky to have you, with your talents you must make even the most mundane of jobs seem exciting.
I secretly love being a teacher, it's just an act to play it down.....at the moment there is a death warrant out for public servants so one has to be very careful!
It is great finding you on this forum and I look forward to sharing more of the weight loss journey with you.......gearrann beirt bóthar..........guess what one of my subjects is?
Happy pampering tonight, no doubt you will be casting your mind back to this day last year when you arrived in the land of eggs and bacon in your plimsolls ( maybe it was converse? Forgive me if I have just committed a major fashion faux pas)
Alex_1978 said:Ah, that's good news. If Exante has become a routine then I think you've got it cracked! As you say, there comes a time when you stop battling with the cravings and Exante just becomes something that you do while normal life goes on.
I've always been very open with my friends, family and colleagues about the fact that I'm doing a VLCD, and so far it hasn't really backfired on me. For the most part, people have been very supportive of me, and curious to know how it all works.
I hope the people you decide to tell are just as supportive of you and your goals. Either way, the results will speak for themselves, so it won't be long before any doubters are forced to eat their words (if you'll pardon the pun )
Not long until the second weigh in then? How time flies!
oliverstjohn said:Hi,
Good to hear from you again, I was getting worried you had been lost in a blizzard- I hear you are getting a blast of arctic weather over there in Blighty.
Well done again on your big loss this week- that is fantastic!
I completely empathise with you on the privacy issue, I don't want to give the crowd in the staffroom any opportunity to scrutinise me........wouldn't they just love us to fail? Well....we will show them, won't we? (I hope)
I think this way of life is becoming a habit for me too, I am less obsessed with what I cannot eat now. I discovered I might have an egg allergy- as you know, I am not doing TS and on two occasions I decided to have eggs rather than turkey or chicken. Bad idea....within a few minutes I felt really sick and weak. Really do not know why I am sharing that fascinating insight into my life?
As for the Gaeilge, it is amazing how patriotic one gets when in exile. Just be careful though, it's amazing the people who speak it these days....I was caught out really badly once - but that is, as they say, 'Sin scéal eile'!
I have no weight loss news at the moment as I don't plan to weigh in until Sunday morning. In the meantime I shall soldier on with my diet.
Onward Exante Soldiers.........
Keep fighting the good fight.... etc, etc.
Darcy15 said:Glad to see you are doing well - it really does become routine doesn't it?
I've had a disappointing 2 weeks in terms of loss - despite being TS............so, I'm really hoping for good news this Sunday when I weigh
Stay strong!
Oh, by the way I'm an honorary Dubliner - my Dad was born and bred there!